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Bridge Equipment for Navigation and Control of Commercial Ships/Оборудование мостика для навигации и управления коммерческими судами

Артикул: 00-01049541
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Автор: Dr. Prosanjeet J. Sarkar, Elstan A. Fernandez
Издательство: Shroff Publishers (все книги издательства)
Место издания: India
Год: 2021
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 568
Вес: 784 г
8500 P

Книга на английском языке.
The safety of Navigation is very important for the ship and crew alike. Today, most of the systems related to a ship’s navigation are electronic-based and it is very important for the seafarer to know their operation, maintenance and repair. The aim of this book is to share relevant information about the most common systems with Marine Engineers, Electro Technical Officers and Navigational Officers too. Navigation and Navigational Equipment has always fascinated us seafarers, and we are not alone! For a eons this has been more of an art than a profession - from the first explorers and travellers, down to the people of this modern world who have circumnavigated the globe. Ironically, many theories that apply to systems ashore have been derived from the shipping industry e. g., PID Control was theorized and perfected by scientists when they delved into the facts and figures that came naturally to seafarers of old. Thanks to the advances in Technology and Science, the equipment available today is far beyond what we had imagined in those times! Hence, every budding Navigator and Engineer is urged to delve deeper and continue to look for better solutions. Then the world can only become a better place.

Chapter 1 Electrical Safety
Chapter 2 Steering and Stabiliser Systems
Chapter 3 Rudder Angle and Rate of Turn Indicators
Chapter 4 Gyro Compasses and Course Recorder
Chapter 5 Magnetic Compasses
Chapter 6 Ship’s Speed Logs
Chapter 7 Echo Sounder
Chapter 8 Radars
Chapter 9 Electronic Chart Display & Information System
Chapter 10 Global Positioning System
Chapter 11 Differential Global Positioning System
Chapter 12 Anemometer
Chapter 13 Weather Facsimile
Chapter 14 Navigation and Signal Lights
Chapter 15 Air Horn (The Ship’s Whistle)
Chapter 16 Very High Frequency Communication System
Chapter 17 Medium and High Frequency Radio Equipment
Chapter 18 Navigational Telex
Chapter 19 Automatic Identification System
Chapter 20 Long-range Identification and Tracking
Chapter 21 Closed Circuit Television
Chapter 22 Television and Radio Antennae
Chapter 23 Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System
Chapter 24 Ship’s Security Alert System
Chapter 25 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
Chapter 26 Marine Electric Clock
Chapter 27 Alarm Systems
Chapter 28 Internal Communication Systems
Chapter 29 Voyage Data Recorder
Chapter 30 List of SOLAS Regulations

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