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Anchor Manual/Якорные системы

Артикул: 00-01049471
в желания В наличии
Место издания: Netherlands
Год: 2010
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 188
Вес: 471 г
2200 P

Книга на английском языке.
A stone and something that looked like a rope. For millennia this was the typical anchor. Over the last 25 years of more recent history, vryhof has brought the art to a more mature status. They have grown into a world leader in engineering and manufacturing of mooring systems for all kinds of floating structures. In doing so the company has secured numerous anchor and ancillary equipment patents, and shared its experience with others.
The company understands that the needs of the industry can not be satisfied by the supply of standard hard-ware only. Universal and tailored solutions rooted in proven engineering should be based on long practical experience.
Vryhof has been and will be introducing new and original anchor designs well into the 21st century. With their products, advice and this manual, it shares this knowledge with those who are daily faced with complex mooring situations.
This manual is intended as a means of reference for all who purchase, use, maintain, repair or are in any way involved with anchors. Though written from one anchor manufacturer’s standpoint, the information contained herein is applicable to many types of anchors. Total objectivity is, of course, impossible.
It is hoped this manual will contribute to the work and success of all who work with anchors. They are the only fixed reference point for many of the floating structures on the world’s often turbulent waters.

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