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Guide for Portable Accommodation Modules/Руководство по переносным жилым модулям

Артикул: 00-01047254
в желания В наличии
Издательство: ABS (все книги издательства)
Место издания: USA
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 50
Вес: 118 г
500 P

Книга на английском языке
his Guide for Portable Accommodation Modules has been developed to providea consolidated set of requirements for portable accommodation modules that may be installedonboard a variety of vessels or offshore installations.This Guide outlines requirements for the design and survey of accommodation modules installedonboard Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs), and Mobile Offshore Units (MOUs),Offshore Installations (fixed or floating), Steel Barges, and Steel Vessels. The Guide may be voluntarilyapplied to other type of portable modules.

Section 1 Introduction
1 Purpose
3 Background
5 Application
7 Class Approval Process
9 Definitions
Figure 1 Illustration of Protected and Unprotected Front Bulkheads
Section 2 Design Review of Module
1 General
3 Plans and Data to be Submitted
5 Structural Fire Protection Requirements
5.1 General
5.3 Administration Review
7 Materials of Construction
7.1 Primary Deck Coverings
7.3 Insulating Materials
7.5 Ceilings and Linings
7.7 Use of Combustible Materials
7.9 Maximum Calorific Value of Combustible Materials
7.11 Total Volume of Combustible Materials
7.13 Low Flame-spread Characteristics of Exposed
7.15 Paints, Varnishes and Other Finishes
7.17 Materials Containing Asbestos
9 Fire Integrity
9.1 Fire Integrity of Exterior Boundaries
9.3 Fire Integrity of Interior Bulkheads
9.5 Fire Integrity of Decks
9.7 Penetrations of Cables
9.9 Penetration of Piping
11 Ventilation
11.1 General
11.3 Means for Closing
11.5 Power Ventilation
11.7 Penetrations of Vent Ducts
13 Special Requirements
13.1 Category A Machinery Space
13.3 MODUs
13.5 Offshore Production Installations
13.7 Oil Tankers
13.9 Ro-Ro and Vehicle Spaces
13.11 Galleys
15 Electrical Requirements
15.1 General
15.3 Principles for Electrical Protection
15.5 Public Address (PA)
15.7 General Alarm (GA)
15.9 Combined PA/GA
15.11 Emergency Lighting
15.13 Refrigerated Spaces – Locked-In Alarm
15.15 Fire Detection and Alarm System
15.17 Ventilation
15.19 Hazardous Areas
15.21 Document Packages
17 Piping Requirements
19 Fire Fighting Requirements
21 Machinery Requirements
23 Structural Requirements
23.1 General
23.3 Side and End Bulkhead Plating
23.5 Side and End Bulkhead Stiffeners
23.7 Corrugated Bulkheads
23.9 Roof Deck
23.11 Bottom Deck
23.13 Deck Girders and Transverses
23.15 Sidescuttles and Windows
23.17 Doors and Other Closing Appliances
23.19 Racking Resistance
23.21 Stacking of Modules
23.23 Materials of Construction
23.25 Aluminum Modules
25 Protection of Steel
27 ILO Convention
Table 1 Fire Integrity of Bulkheads Separating Adjacent Spaces
Table 2A Typical Design Head Valuesa) SI Unit and MKS Units (m)
Table 2B Typical Design Head Valuesb) US Units (ft)
Table 3 Minimum Bottom Deck Loading
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6 Minimum Mechanical Properties for Butt-Welded Aluminum Alloys
Figure 1 Ventilation Ducts Penetrating “A” Class Divisions
Figure 2 Corrugated Bulkhead
Section 3 Survey of Module at Fabrication Yard
1 General
3 Documentation
5 Survey Requirements
7 Marking
9 Type Approval
Section 4 Design Review for Installation Approval
1 General
3 Submission of Plans
5 Arrangement
7 Stability Requirements
9 Structures
9.1 General
9.3 Steel Vessels
9.5 Steel Cargo Vessels Under 90 Meters
9.7 Steel Barges
9.9 MODUs and MOUs
9.11 Floating Production Installations
9.13 High Speed Craft
11 Securing to the Deck
13 Stacking Arrangements
13.1 Loading
13.3 Structural Analysis
15 Electrical Requirements
15.1 Connection to Host Vessel
15.3 Communications
15.5 Combined PA/GA
15.7 External Egress Lighting
15.9 Refrigerated Spaces – Locked-In Alarm
15.11 Fire Detection and Alarm System
15.13 Ventilation
15.15 Hazardous Areas
15.17 Integration with Host Vessel’s ESD system
17 Piping Requirements
19 Fire Fighting Requirements
23 Tonnage
25 ILO
27 Lifesaving Appliances
29 Structural Fire Protection
31 Means of Escape and Safe Passage
Section 5 Survey Onboard Host Vessel
1 General
3 Installation Survey Onboard
5 Annual Surveys for Modules in Service
7 Survey of Stacking Arrangements
Appendix 1 Sample Letter
Appendix 2 References

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