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Guide for Ice Loads Monitoring Systems/Руководство для систем мониторинга нагрузок от давления льда

Артикул: 00-01046568
в желания В наличии
Издательство: ABS (все книги издательства)
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 21
Вес: 52 г
1320 P

Книга на английском языке
This Guide provides requirements for the installation of, and the information to be provided by, Ice Loads Monitoring Systems fitted on ice-classed vessels. These systems are intended as an aid to the Master and navigating officers when a vessel is operating in ice infested waters so that appropriate action can be taken to minimize the likelihood of the vessel sustaining structural damage from interaction with the ice. The Ice Loads Monitoring Systems specified by this Guide extend from basic monitoring systems to sophisticated, integrated systems, the selection of which is left to the Owner. The information provided in the Guide is intended to assist the Owner in selecting the most appropriate system for a vessel based on the vessel’s probable operating parameters.The Guide describes the Ice Loads Monitoring process and the procedures for collecting, recording, processing, evaluating, and presenting the data in a manner that permits the Master and or navigating officer to better measure vessel performance in ice and determine if remedial action should be taken. The monitoring systems specified in the Guide can assist in identifying when the vessel is operating in ice in a manner that could lead to structural damage or failure by providing early warning to the navigator when the performance parameters relating to vessel strength are approaching the preset allowable levels.

Section 1 General
1 Application
3 Scope
5 Terminology
7 Modifications and Alternatives
9 Notations
9.1 Basic Ice loads Monitoring System, ILM
9.3 Optional Ice Loads Monitoring Systems
9.5 Table of Notations
11 Information to be Submitted
13 Sensors
Section 2 Basic Ice Condition Monitoring System (ILM)
1 Application
3 Local Hull Stress Monitoring due to Ice Loads
3.1 Stresses during Transit in Ice
3.3 Prediction of Near Term Extreme Events
3.5 Strain Gauges
5 Data Sampling
7 System Display
7.1 Parameters
7.3 Display Requirements
Figure 1 Strain Gauge Locations for Transverse Frames
Figure 2 Strain Gauge Locations for Longitudinal Frames
Section 3 Optional Ice Loads Monitoring Systems
1 Application
3 Optional Extension “(n)” for “System with an Additional
Number of Strain Gauge Locations”
3.1 Transversely-framed Vessels
3.3 Longitudinally-framed Vessels
5 Optional Extension “+T” for “Turning Ice Loads Monitoring on
5.1 Application
5.3 Ice Loads Due to Turning Monitoring
7 Optional Extension “+G” for “Global Ice Loads Monitoring”
7.1 Application
7.3 Warning Signals
9 Optional Extension “+L” for “Local Ice Loads Recording”
9.1 Application
9.3 Storage Data
9.5 Recording and Storage Devices
11 Optional Extension “+P” for “Local Ice Pressures Recording”
11.1 Application
11.3 Storage Data
11.5 Recording and Storage Devices
Section 4 Installation, Testing, Setup, and Calibration
1 General
3 Electrical and Mechanical Systems
5 Physical Protection of Sensors
7 Mounting
9 Display, Processing and Recording Equipment
11 Initial Settings
13 Calibration
15 Thermal Stresses
17 Training
Section 5 Survey Requirements
1 General
3 Survey of the Initial Installation of the System
5 Simulation Test
7 Annual Surveys
9 Special Periodic Surveys
11 Surveys due to Damage, Repair, or Modification of the System

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