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Training, Examination, and Assessment Programme (TEAP). Part B. For Merchant Shipping (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Rules/Программа обучения, проведения экзаменов и оценки результатов. Часть B. Правила торгового судоходства (Стандарты подготовки, дипломирования моряков и несения вахты)

Артикул: 00-01045561
в желания В наличии
Издательство: DGS (все книги издательства)
Место издания: India
Год: 2014
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 1015
Вес: 2711 г
3800 P

Книга на английском языке.
Maritime lecturers chosen for the conduct of Certificate of Competency and modular courses will be fully qualified in the subject matter of the courses which they are going to teach. They may however be less familiar with training techniques and the effective conduct of training courses.
Each certificate of competency and modular course package contains some advice to the lecturer in the form of references and guidelines which will assist in the conduct of the course. In addition, the guidelines on the implementation of IMO Model Courses provide valuable references of lectures and presentations and general course conduct. Nevertheless, it is considered necessary to offer a full course for maritime lecturers and assessors, which would not only review current training techniques but also actually provide experience of course management and training techniques to lecturers. While it is specifically concerned with those skills which are required for efficient implementation of the IMO model courses it is believed to be of general benefit for the conduct of other courses as well.
Participants successfully completing the training course for trainers and assessors should be capable of understanding the processes and objectives of learning and training and have a sound comprehension of assessing participants and course evaluation.
They should be fully capable of undertaking lecturers’ responsibilities within their field of substantive qualifications, and conduct courses effectively.
См. также: Training, Examination, and Assessment Programme (TEAP). Part A

1. Preamble
2. Basic Details of The Course
2.1. Aims
2.2. Objectives
2.3. Scope
2.4. Application
3. Qualification & Eligibility of Candidates
3.1. Entry standards
3.2. Required attendance and conduct
3.3. Course intake limitations
4. Infrastructure Requirements
5. Course Details
5.1. Duration of the course
5.2. Dates for commencement of the course
5.3. Course syllabus
5.4. Course Structure, SLOs, Practical Tasks List
6. Faculty Requirements
6.1. Qualifications and experience of Principal and faculty members
6.2. Qualifications and experience of faculty members (academic subjects)
6.3. Qualifications and experience of instructors
6.4. Training of Trainers Course
6.5. Faculty Strength
6.6. The minimum faculty and instructor strength
7. Duty Officer and Duty Instructor
8. Hours per Week
9. Holidays
10. Uniforms
10.1. For ratings
10.2. For faculty
10.3. For other staff
11. Quality Standards
12. Assessment
13. Inspection & Disciplinary Action If Any for Deficiencies
14. Cost of Inspections
15. Fees to GOVT
16. Placement of Trainees For Shipboard Training
17. Communication to DGS & INDoS
Annexure -1 Course outline
Annexure - 2 Outline of each part of the course
Annexure - 2A Part 1 General Aspects
Annexure - 2B Part 2 General Ship Knowledge
Annexure - 2C Part 3 Marine Engineering Knowledge & Practice
Annexure - 2C Part 4 Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment
Annexure - 2D Part 5 Mandatory Courses and ship visits
Annexure - 3 List of accessories & books
Annexure - 4 Structure of assessment
Annexure - 5 Rules for issue of Passing out Certificate
Annexure - 6 Rules for All India Exit Examination
Annexure - 7 Format of Certificates (Passing out and Exit Examination)
Annexure - 8 Uniforms for faculty
Annexure - 9 List of equipment (Seamanship, Navigation and Engineering)
Annexure - 10 List of additional in-house equipment
Appendix 1A - SLOs for Part 1 General Aspects
Appendix 1B - SLOs for Part 2 General Ship Knowledge
Appendix 1C - SLOs for Part 3 Marine Engineering Knowledge & Practice
Appendix 1C - SLOs for Part 4 Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment
Appendix 1D - List of Practical Tasks for Part 2 General Ship Knowledge
Appendix 1E - List of Practical Tasks for Part 3 ME Knowledge & Practice

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