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The Future of Maritime Safety Report/Доклад о перспективах развития безопасности на море

Артикул: 00-01045199
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Автор: John Dodd
Издательство: Inmarsat and Thetius (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
Год: 2022
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 39
Вес: 93 г
2100 P

Книга на английском языке.
The Future of Maritime Safety Report provides insights into safety trends from GMDSS data gathered between 2019-2021 and reveals patterns at a local and global level. Better understanding these patterns can help us to take proactive steps to prevent such incidents going forward and help guide us to a safer future. The report also establishes significant trends that merit close scrutiny by all stakeholders and offers a powerful example of the potential for analytics and new technology to provide the basis for a data-driven and more proactive safety to prevent serious accidents in the future.

Foreword: Peter Broadhurst, Inmarsat 4
Opinion: John Dodd, Inmarsat
Distress Calls Analysed by Vessel Type
Opinion: Cyrus Moody, International Maritime Bureau
Fishing Vessels
Bulk Carriers
Opinion: Oliver Delteil, General Directorate Of Maritime Affairs
Opinion: Trond Ski , Norwegian Coastal Administration
General Cargo
Opinion: Theresa Crossley, International Maritime Rescue Federation
Container Ships
Gas Carriers
Opinion: Peter Hult, CEO, Vikand
Opinion: Dr Grahaeme Henderson OBE, Together In Safety
Specialist Vessels
Leisure Vessels
Car Carriers
Passenger Ships
Opinion: Rachel Arnold, Chief Officer, Cruise Sector
Distress Calls Analysed by Shipyard
Distress Calls Analysed by Class Society
Opinion: Christopher Janus, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Distress Calls Analysed by Flag State
Distress Calls Analysed by Year of Build
Opinion: Yrhen Bernard Sabanal Baliniss, Seafarer
Vessel Index

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