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Liquefaction - no excuses/Снижение рисков разжижения груза

Артикул: 00-01045127
в желания В наличии
Автор: The Swedish Club
Издательство: The Swedish Club (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Швеция
Год: 2022
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 44
Вес: 105 г
2000 P

Книга на английском языке.
The Swedish Club Triton is published three times a year and distributed free of charge. The Swedish Club Triton is an editorially independent newsletter and opinions expressed by external contributors are not necessarily those of The Swedish Club. In this issue, we cover many interesting topics, such as:
- Liquefaction - no excuses. Liquefaction can be sudden, and it can lead to devastating loss of life. But it can also be prevented. More needs to be done, says Ed Wroe, Technical Manager at INTERCARGO.
- Supporting our members through sanctions. No one needs reminding of the sanctions story in 2022. Sweeping sanctions against Russia in response to the war in Ukraine were introduced with scarcely any warning or time for ship owners to prepare or adjust operations.
- A deep dive into the causes of lubrication failure.
- Gold sponsors of the Donso Shipping Meet 2022.
- Customs fines for cargo shortages. Customs authorities around the world often issue fines for short/excessive discharge of cargo. The reason for this is often to compensate the government's loss of customs revenue.

150 years and counting
Loss Prevention
A deep dive into the causes of lubrication failure
TELP - tailored loss prevention advice delivers real results
Safety scenario: Serious injury during inspection
Supporting you through sanctions
Liquefaction - no excuses
ESG and the life cycle of a ship: Stage one - financing
ESG into 2022
P&I and FD&D
Customs fines for cargo shortages
Total power outage in Malta: Limitation of liability
Webinar: Launch of new Bills of Lading Guides
Club Insight
Gold Sponsors of the Dons? Shipping Meet 2022
Making waves in the classroom: Adopt a Ship
SCOL: New, improved and adding value for members
Helping us to help you
Club Information
Notice board
Out and about
Staff news

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