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The Optimal Route. The Why and How of Digital Decarbonisation in Shipping/Оптимизированный план развития цифровых технологий в декарбонизации морского транспорта

Артикул: 00-01044251
в желания В наличии
Автор: Matthew Kenney, Lauren Brunton
Издательство: Inmarsat and Thetius (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
Год: 2022
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 58
Вес: 136 г
2200 P

Книга на английском языке.
The Optimal Route report examines strategies to reduce greenhouse gases in shipping, offers guide to decarbonisation role of digital technologies.The report goes on to outline the industry’s ‘pathway to 2050’, highlighting the policy-based initiatives that will play the most significant role in guiding shipping towards decarbonisation. These include ‘Just-in-time clauses for voyage charter parties 2021’; the Poseidon Principles ship finance charter, which seeks to encourage financial institutions to invest in greener vessels; global maritime carbon levies to accelerate the uptake of zero-carbon fuels; and the Sustainable Shipping Initiative’s ‘beyond compliance’ scheme

Executive Summary
3 Steps to Digital Decarbonisation
Step 1 - Know your numbers
Automated measurement
Step 2 - Implement a digital decarbonisation strategy based on the results
Step 3 - Prepare to participate in green corridor schemes
Defining Digital Decarbonisation and the Pathway to 2050
A new marketplace is born
Bang for buck
What international targets mean in practice
Regulations, Standards, and Initiatives
Start at the charter party
Poseidon Principles
Sea Cargo Charter
Global maritime carbon levies
Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI)
Redesigning globalisation
Digital ‘onshoring’
The changing competitive landscape
Consumer choice
Financial change drivers
Technology Focus - The Movers and Shakers of Digital Decarbonisation
Remote first
Survey and inspection
Software, servicing, and repair
Training and certification
Health and welfare
Remote pilotage
Harmonising global trade
Paperless trade
Optimisation at sea
Voyage, weather, and route optimisation
Spotlights on Success
Yxney Maritime
Nautilus Labs

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