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Ship Repairing Analyses and Estimates/Судоремонт: анализы и оценки

Артикул: 00-01043579
в желания В наличии
Автор: Arun Kr Dev, Makaraksha Saha, George Bruce
Издательство: Springer (все книги издательства)
Серия: Springer Series on Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping (Все книги серии)
ISBN: 978-981-16-9467-7
Год: 2022
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 287
Вес: 870 г
2200 P

Книга на английском языке
A ship is a most complex engineering asset. Probably, two significant issues, (i) fulfilling shipowners’ requirements and (ii) complying with the operational and environmental (classification society, statutory bodies, flag administration) requirements which are conflicting in nature, make a ship, as a whole, a complex asset. It is more exciting and challenging when a ship is involved in routine maintenance and repair. This challenge is due to the type, age, and deadweight of ships. Different types demand entirely new requirements. In addition, classification society’s and flag administration’s requirements vary with the age of a ship. So, every repair of a ship is a new project and need to handle accordingly.

1 General Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Ship Repairing and Drydocking
1.3 Background Knowledge of Users of This Book
1.4 Experience Sharing
1.5 General Layout of the Book
2 Data History
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Data Collection
2.3 Illustrations
3 Ship Repairing Time
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Repairing Time Versus Age (RTIME vs SA)
3.3 Repairing Time Versus Deadweight (RTIME vs SD)
3.4 Repairing Time Versus Type (RTIME vs ST)
3.5 Repairing Time Versus Hull Blasting Renewal Area (RTIME vs Rhb)
3.6 Repairing Time Versus Hull Painting Renewal Area (RTIME vs Rhp)
3.7 Repairing Time Versus Structural Steel Renewal Weight (RTIME vs Rs)
3.8 Repairing Time Versus Piping Renewal Length (RTIME vs RP)
3.9 Repairing Time Versus Tank Blasting Renewal Area (RTIME vs Rtb)
3.10 Repairing Time Versus Tank Painting Renewal Area (RTIME vs Rtp)
3.11 Regression
3.12 Validation
3.13 General Conclusions
4 Drydocking Time
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Drydocking Time Versus Age (DTIME vs SA)
4.3 Drydocking Time Versus Deadweight (DTIME vs SD)
4.4 Drydocking Time Versus Type (DTIME vs ST)
4.5 Drydocking Time Versus Hull Blasting Renewal Area (DTIME vs Rhb)
4.6 Drydocking Time Versus Hull Painting Renewal Area (DTIME vs Rhp)
4.7 Regression
4.8 Validation
4.9 General Conclusions
5 Ship Repairing Labour
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Repairing Labour Versus Age (RLABOUR vs SA)
5.3 Repairing Labour Versus Deadweight (RLABOUR vs SD)
5.4 Repairing Labour Versus Type (RLABOUR vs ST)
5.5 Repairing Labour Versus Hull Blasting Renewal Area (RLABOUR vs Rhb)
5.6 Repairing Labour Versus Hull Painting Renewal Area (RLABOUR vs Rhp)
5.7 Repairing Labour Versus Structural Steel Renewal Weight (RLABOUR vs RS)
5.8 Regression
5.9 Validation
5.10 General Conclusions
6 Drydocking Labour
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Drydocking Labour Versus Age (DLABOUR vs SA)
6.3 Drydocking Labour Versus Deadweight (DLABOUR vs SD) .
6.4 Drydocking Labour Versus Type (DLABOUR vs ST)
6.5 Drydocking Labour Versus Hull Blasting Renewal Area (DLABOUR vs Rhb)
6.6 Drydocking Labour Versus Hull Painting Renewal Area (DLABOUR vs Rhp)
6.7 Drydocking Labour Versus Hull Coating Renewal Area (DLABOUR vs Rhc)
6.8 Regression
6.9 Validation
6.10 General Conclusions
7 Hull Coating Renewal Area
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Hull Blasting (Rhb)
7.3 Hull Painting (Rhp)
7.4 Hull Coating (Rhc)
7.5 Hull Coating Versus Dimensions
7.6 Regression
7.7 Validation
7.8 General Conclusions
8 Structural Steel Renewal Weight
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Total Structural Steel Renewal Weight Versus Age (RS vs SA)
8.3 Total Structural Steel Renewal Weight Versus Deadweight (RS vs SD)
8.4 Total Structural Steel Renewal Weight Versus Type (RS vs ST)
8.5 Total Structural Steel Renewal Weight Versus (age deadweight) [RS vs (SA SD)]
8.6 Plate Group
8.7 Transverse Group
8.8 Longitudinal Group
8.9 Miscellaneous Group
8.10 Regression
8.11 Validation
8.12 General Conclusions
9 Structural Steel Renewal Locations
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Structural Steel Renewal Locations Versus Principal Dimensions
9.3 Structural Steel Renewal Locations Versus Age
9.4 Structural Steel Renewal Locations Versus Length
9.5 General Conclusions
10 Data Collection and Management
11 Management Information Systems
12 Human Resources

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