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Safety digest Lessons from Marine Accident Reports/Сборник уроков по безопасности, извлеченных из отчетов о морских авариях 2/2021

Артикул: 00-01043304
в желания В наличии
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 66
Вес: 157 г
1500 P

Издание на английском языке
The sea is an Unforgiving environment and as such there will always be incidents and accidents. Despite the passage of time, there are no new accidents just repetition of old ones. Continuing fatalities in an enclosed space is a tragic example.
См. также Safety digest Lessons from Marine Accident Reports 2/2023

Glossary of terms and abbreviations
Part 1 – Merchant vessels
1. Hot stuff
2. Effective damage assessments
3. Be careful with lines under tension
4. A reflecting distraction
5. Just slipping into hospital
6. The charge of the ferry brigade
7. Love me tender
8. Check the passage plan
9. Wet feet and red faces
10. Chafe, spray and ignite
11. Tipping point
12. Fender bender
13. A reach too far
14. Tend those lines
15. Under pressure
16. A lucky escape
Part 2 – Fishing vessels
17. Paperwork can wait
18. Learning the ropes
19. Even the experienced can be caught out
20. Running on fumes and dirt
21. Caught on the rocks
22. An invisible and deadly hazard
Part 3 – Recreational vessels
23. Night navigation is not easy
24. We booked for fishing, not swimming
25. Tanker, what tanker?
Investigations started in the period 01/03/2021 to 31/08/2021
Reports issued in 2021
Safety Bulletins issued during the period 01/03/2021 to 31/08/2021

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