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Autonomous Ships and the Law/Автономные суда и морское право

Артикул: 00-01043273
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Автор: Henrik Ringbom, Erik Rosaeg, Trond Solvang
Издательство: Routledge (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London and New York
ISBN: 978-0-367-46710-4
Год: 2021
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 319
Вес: 950 г
4800 P

Книга на английском языке.
Interest in autonomous ships has grown exponentially over the past few years. Whereas a few years ago, the prospect of unmanned and autonomous vessels sailing on the seas was considered unrealistic, the debate now centers on when and in what format and pace the development will take place. Law has a key role to play in this development and legal obstacles are often singled out as principal barriers to the rapid introduction of new technologies in shipping. Within a few years, autonomous ships have turned from a non-issue to one of the main regulatory topics being addressed by the International Maritime Organization. However, the regulatory discussion is still in its infancy, and while many new questions have been raised, few answers have been provided to them to date. Increased automation of tasks that have traditionally been undertaken by ships’ crews raises interesting legal questions across the whole spectrum of maritime law. The first of its kind, this book explores the issue of autonomous ships from a wide range of legal perspectives, including both private law and public law at international and national level, making available cutting-edge research which will be of significant interest to researchers in maritime law.

List of contributors
Preface by Henrik Ringbom, Erik Rosaeg, and Trond Solvang
Part I. Introduction
1 Introduction
Henrik Ringbom, Erik Rosaeg, and Trond Solvang
2 Terminology and concepts
Henrik Ringbom and Felix Collin
Part II. Public international law issues
3 Autonomous offender ships and international maritime security law
Anna Petrig
4 Developments, challenges, and prospects at the IMO
Henrik Ringbom
5 Switching off regulatory requirements: Flag state exemptions as a tool to facilitate experiments with highly automated vessels and their operational implementation
Frank Smeele
Part III. Liability issues
6 Unmanned ships and fault as the basis of shipowner’s liability
Felix Collin
7 Man, machine, and culpa: Or finding a path toward strict liability
Trond Solvang
8 Diabolus ex machina: When an autonomous ship does the unexpected
Erik Rosaeg
9 Autonomous ships and product liability under the EU directive
Vibe Ulfbeck
10 Autonomous technology in shipping: An increased role for negligence product liability?
Robert Veal
Part IV. Insurance issues
11 Hull insurance of autonomous ships according to Nordic law: What are the challenges?
Trine-Lise Wilhelmsen, and Hans Jacob Bull
12 P&I perspectives
Tim Howse
13 Insuring autonomous vessels: Scoping the issues
Mika Viljanen
14 Moving forward by looking back: Insuring autonomous vessels under English hull and machinery cover and law
Meixian Song
Part V. Specific issues
15 Seaworthiness and good seamanship in the age of autonomous vessels
Frank Stevens
16 Manning of unmanned ships
Johan Schelin
17 Pilotage of autonomous and remotely-controlled ships
Martin Davies

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