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Ship Operations/Эксплуатация судов

Артикул: 00-01043144
в желания В наличии
Автор: Baris Soyer, Andrew Tettenborn
Издательство: Informa Law from Routledge (все книги издательства)
Место издания: New York
ISBN: 978-0-367-43024-5
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 272
Вес: 679 г
4800 P

Книга на английском языке.
This book covers in one handy volume all the major topics associated with ship operations. Carefully coordinated to ensure breadth, relevance and lack of overlap, the topics covered are addressed by authors who are at the very top of their profession, whether in legal practice or academia, and the topics are presented in a manner which is topical and clear. Part I offers a detailed and critical analysis of issues of contemporary importance concerning new liability regimes and developments. Part 2 discusses how parties, in particular ship operators, attempt in contemporary practice to allocate their risks concerning ship operations by utilizing contractual mechanisms. The book provides an invaluable guide to recent legal and practical developments and offers a comprehensive, well-informed and thoroughly practical guide on what is a very complex and developing area of law. It will therefore be of great use to legal practitioners and administrators of ship operations worldwide, as well as students in this area and academics associated with maritime law generally.

List of contributors
Table of cases
Table of legislation
Part I New risks and liabilities affecting ship operations
Chapter 1 the role of insurance in sanctions regimes
Chapter 2 Criminal liability of seafarers and ship operators: a regulatory perspective on developments in environmental law
Chapter 3 The regulation of electromagnetic fields and safety of navigation: “on-board safety in the radar”
Chapter 4 Cyber-risk in shipping and its management
Chapter 5 Cyber-risks - tort liabilities that can be incurred by shipowners and operators
Chapter 6 Seaworthiness: in the context of cyber-risks or “cyberworthiness”
Chapter 7 Cyber-risk insurance – developing a new cover in the market
Chapter 8 Arresting ships: the need for change
Chapter 9 Liability for wrongful ship arrest - euro style
Chapter 10 Actions in rem, arrest and insolvency
Chapter 11 When things fall apart: who carries the can when a bunker supplier fails?
Part II Contractual arrangements to deal with operational issues emerging
Chapter 12 A new gencon: transforming a standard charter for the modern world
Chapter 13 Only following orders: time charters, compliant fuel and the owners’ indemnity
Chapter 14 Standard contracts for the mass(es) – charter parties and other agreements for autonomous ships
Chapter 15 Unmanned ships - a challenge to the current international regime regulating the carriage of goods?

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