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This Guide applies to vessels possessing valid SOLAS certificates, and having a bridge so designed and equipped as to enhance the safety and efficiency of navigation.
См. также Guide for Bridge Design and Navigational Equipment/Systems 2023
Section 1 General
1 Application and Design Basis
1.1 Application
1.3 Design Basis
3 Operational Assumptions
3.1 Operation Manual
3.2 Crew Training and Certification Requirements
5 Optional Notations
5.1 Notation NBL (Navigational Bridge Layout)
5.2 Notation NBLES and NBLES+ (Navigational Bridge Layout and Equipment/systems)
5.3 Notation NBLES (COS) (Navigational Bridge Layout and Equipment/Systems for Coastal and Offshore Service)
5.4 Notation NIBS (Navigational Integrated Bridge System)
7 Regulations
9 Flag Administration and National Authorities
11 Definitions
13 Plans and Data to be Submitted
13.1 Applicable to NBL, NBLES, NBLES+, NBLES (COS) and NIBS Notations
13.2 Applicable to NBLES, NBLES+, NBLES (COS) and NIBS Notations
13.3 Applicable to NBLES (COS) Notation
13.4 Applicable to NIBS Notation
Section 2 Requirements for Notation NBL (Navigation Bridge Layout)
1 General
3 Equipment Design and Construction
3.1 General (December 2003)
3.2 Fault Isolation
3.3 Replacement of Components
3.4 Self-support
3.5 Configuration of Devices
3.6 Instruments and Controls
5 Bridge Arrangement and Working Environment
5.1 Fields of Vision
5.2 Control of Vessel
5.3 Routes and Working Clearances
5.4 Clear Height
5.5 Workstations
5.6 Other Considerations
7 Tests and Sea Trials
Section 3 Requirements for Notation NBLES (Navigational Bridge Layout and Equipment/Systems) and Notation NBLES+
1 General
3 Documentation, Type Approval and Performance Standards of Navigational Equipment
3.1 Documentation
3.2 Type-approved Equipment
3.3 IMO's Performance Standards
5 Manual Mode of Operation
7 Alarm Systems
7.1 Characteristics
7.2 Audible Alarm Circuits
7.3 Acknowledgment
7.4 Disconnection and Resumption of Functions
7.5 Built-in Testing
9 Computerized Equipment
11 Power Supply
11.1 Sources
11.2 Emergency Service
11.3 Loss of Power
13 Navigational Systems
13.1 Heading Information System (December 2003)
13.2 Steering System
13.3 Speed Measuring System
13.4 Depth Measuring System (December 2003)
13.5 Radar System
13.6 Automatic Traffic Surveillance System
13.7 Position Fixing System
13.8 Bridge Navaigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS)
13.9 Route Planning
13.10 Vessel’s Automatic Identification System (December 2003)
15 Propulsion Engine/thruster Controls
17 Telephone System
19 Nautical Radio Communication System
21 Workstations - Required Equipment
23 Operation/Technical Manual
25 Tests and Sea Trials
25.1 Applicable to All Relevant Navigational Equipment
25.2 Specific Equipment or System
27 Survey After Construction
Table 1 Navigational Equipment for NBLES Notation
Table 2 Additional Navigational Equipment for NBLES+ Notation
Section 4 Requirements for Notation NBLES (COS) (Navigational Bridge Layout and Equipment/Systems for Coastal and Offshore Services)
1 General
1.1 Objective
3 Plans and Data to be Submitted
3.1 Documentation and Standards for Navigational Equipment
5 Navigation Bridge Design and Layout
5.1 Visibility from Bridge
5.2 Bridge Windows
5.3 Bridge Design and Configuration
5.4 Bridge Arrangements and Workstation Configurations
5.5 Provision of Maneuvering Information Display
7 Bridge Equipment
7.1 General
7.2 Requirements
7.3 FMEA
9 Human Element
9.1 Background
9.2 Ambient Environment Criteria
9.3 Personnel Safety
9.4 Human Machine Interface
11 Survey Requirements
11.1 New Construction
11.2 Annual Surveys
Table 1
Figure 1 Field of View Around Vessel
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6 Typical Bridge Arrangement
Section 5 Requirements for Notation NIBS (Navigational Integrated Bridge System)
1 General
3 Integrated Bridge System (IBS)
3.1 Dimmer Control
5 Centralized Bridge Workstation
7 Central Alarm Panel
9 Route Planning Workstation
11 Conning Information Display
13 Navigational System Requirements
13.1 Course Information System (December 2003)
13.2 Speed Measuring System
13.3 Automatic Track-keeping System
13.4 Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)
15 Operation/Technical Manual
17 Workstations - Required Equipment
19 Tests and Sea Trials
21 Survey After Construction
Table 1 Navigational Equipment for NIBS Notation
Appendix 1 IMO Resolutions Referenced in this Guide