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Nuclear Powered Ships and Submarines/Атомные корабли и подводные лодки

Артикул: 00-01042924
в желания В наличии
Автор: C. Jones
Издательство: Bookboon Learning (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-87-403-3640-5
Год: 2021
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 66
Вес: 237 г
1100 P

Издание на английском языке
Nuclear powered ships and submarines of the USA, Russia, China, Japan, the UK, France, India and Brazil are described. That President Eisenhower’s ‘Atoms for Peace’ policy motivated the use of nuclear fuels in shipping in emphasised. Descriptions of the various pressurised water reactors are given, and the liquid metal (sodium) reactor also features. There are several related calculations and many illustrations. Very recently built submarines feature, including HMS Audacious which commenced sea trials in 2020. Cargo ships using nuclear fuel have been almost unknown, and this is discussed.

1 The USA: Surface vessels
1.1 NS Savannah
1.2 US naval surface vessels
1.3 References
2 The USA: Submarines
2.1 Submarines now decommissioned
2.2 Submarines currently in operation
2.2.2 Ohio class
2.3 Further remarks
2.4 References
3 Russia
3.1 Icebreakers
3.2 Naval surface vessels
3.3 Russian nuclear submarines
3.4 Concluding remarks
3.5 References
4 China and Japan
4.1 China
4.2 Japan
4.3 References
5 Great Britain: The Royal Navy Submarine Service
5.1 Dreadnought
5.2 Valiant class submarines
5.3 Resolution class submarines
5.4 Churchill class submarine
5.5 Swiftsure class submarine
5.6 Trafalgar class submarine
5.7 Vanguard class submarines
5.8 Astute class submarine
5.9 Dreadnought class submarines
5.10 Further comments
5.11 References
6 France
6.1 The nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle
6.2 French nuclear submarines
6.3 Further information
6.4 References
7 India
7.1 Submarines leased from Russia
7.2 The Arihant class nuclear submarine
7.3 Further information
7.4 References
8 Brazil
8.1 Riachuelo class nuclear submarines
8.2 The ?lvaro Alberto nuclear submarine
8.3 Further comments
8.4 General afterword
8.5 References

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