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Glaciers, Sea Ice, and Ice Formation/Ледники, морской лед и ледяные образования

Артикул: 00-01042859
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Автор: John P. Rafferty
Издательство: Britannica Educational Publishing (все книги издательства)
Место издания: New York
Год: 2011
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 255
Вес: 640 г
3080 P

Книга на английском языке.
The ice that many people associate with winter months and seasonal cooling is actually only one form that this versatile substance can take. As fixtures throughout the year in areas around the world, especially in the Arctic and Antarctic, glaciers and sea ice are vital to sustaining aquatic ecosystems and regulating ocean water temperature. Permafrost, a type of ground ice, dramatically affects the infrastructure and agricultural output of several communities around the world. The development of these varying formations and the interplay between them and the environment are thoughtfully considered in this fascinating volume.

Chapter 1: Ice on Planet Earth
The Water Molecule
The Ice Crystal
Hoarfrost and Rime
Mechanical Properties
Thermal Properties
Optical Properties
Electromagnetic Properties
Ice Ages
Chapter 2: Permafrost
The Origin and Stability of Permafrost
Air Temperature and Ground Temperature
Climatic Change
Permafrost Distribution In the Northern Hemisphere
The Local Thickness of Permafrost
The Eff ects of Climate
The Eff ects of Water Bodies
The Eff ects of Solar Radiation, Vegetation, and Snow Cover
Types of Ground Ice
Ice Wedges
Active Wedges, Inactive Wedges, and Ice-Wedge Casts
Surface Manifestations of Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen Ground
Polygonal Ground
Thermokarst Formations
Patterned Ground
Soil Flow
The Study of Permafrost
Problems Posed by Permafrost
Permafrost Engineering
Development in Permafrost Areas
Chapter 3: Ice in Lakes and Rivers
The Seasonal Cycle
Ice Formation in Lakes
Nucleation of Ice Crystals
The Eff ects of Wind Mixing
The Rates of Growth
Variations in Ice Structure
Ice Decay
Thinning and Rotting
The Geographic Distribution of Lake Ice
Ice Formation in Rivers
Accumulating Ice Cover
Growth of Fixed Ice Cover
Ice Buildups
Decay and Ice Jams
River Ice Modifi cation
The Geographic Distribution of River Ice
Chapter 4: Glaciers and Ice Sheets
The Formation and Characteristics of Glacier Ice
Mass Balance
Heat or Energy Balance
Glacier Flow
Mountain Glaciers and Other Smaller Ice Masses
Classifi cation of Mountain Glaciers
Surface Features
Mass Balance of Mountain Glaciers
The Flow of Mountain Glaciers
Glacier Hydrology
Glacier Floods
Glacier Surges
Tidewater Glaciers
Rock Glacier
The Great Ice Sheets
The Antarctic Ice Sheet
The Greenland Ice Sheet
Accumulation and Ablation of the Ice Sheets
Net Mass Balance
The Flow of the Ice Sheets
Ross Ice Shelf
The Information from Deep Cores
The Response of Glaciers to Climatic Change
Glaciers and Sea Level
Chapter 5: Glacial Landforms
General Considerations
Glaciers and Topography
Glacial Erosion
Glacial Deposition
Erosional Landforms
Small-Scale Features of Glacial Erosion
Rock Polish
P-Forms and Glacial Grooves
The Erosional Landforms of Valley Glaciers
Cirques, Tarns, U-shaped Valleys, Aretes, and Horns
Hanging Valleys
Paternoster Lakes
Roches Moutonnees
Rock Drumlins
The Erosional Landforms of Continental Glaciers
Depositional Landforms
The Depositional Landforms of Valley Glaciers
Flutes 137The Information from Deep Cores
The Response of Glaciers to Climatic Change
Glaciers and Sea Level
Chapter 5: Glacial Landforms
General Considerations
Glaciers and Topography
Glacial Erosion
Glacial Deposition
Erosional Landforms
Small-Scale Features of Glacial Erosion
Rock Polish
P-Forms and Glacial Grooves
The Erosional Landforms of Valley Glaciers
Cirques, Tarns, U-shaped Valleys, Aretes, and Horns
Hanging Valleys
Paternoster Lakes
Roches Moutonnees
Rock Drumlins
The Erosional Landforms of Continental Glaciers
Depositional Landforms
The Depositional Landforms of Valley Glaciers
The Depositional Landforms of Continental Glaciers
Meltwater Deposits
Glaciofl uvial Deposits
Glaciolacustrine Deposits
Periglacial Landforms
Felsenmeers, Talus, and Rock Glaciers
Chapter 6: Icebergs and Sea Ice
The Origin of Antarctic Icebergs
The Origin of Arctic Icebergs
Iceberg Structure
Iceberg Size and Shape
Erosion and Melting
The Distribution of Icebergs and Their Drift Trajectories
Iceberg Scour and Sediment Transport
The Climatic Impacts of Icebergs
The Impacts on Ice Sheets and Sea Level
The Impact on Ocean Structure
Iceberg Detection, Tracking, and Management
Sea Ice
Ice Salinity, Temperature, and Ecological Interactions
Sea Ice Formation and Features
Pack Ice Drift and Thickness
Sea Ice and its Interactions with the Oceans, Atmosphere, and Climate
The Emerging Impacts of Recent Changes to Sea Ice
Chapter 7: The Arctic and Antarctic
The Arctic
Continental Ice Sheets of the Past
Drainage and Soils
Present-Day Glaciation
Glacier Groups
The Arctic Ocean
Sea Ice in the Arctic Ocean
Physical Features
Antarctic Glaciation
The Surrounding Seas
The Power of Ice
Appendix: Significant Glaciers, Ice Sheets, and Ice Shelves
Amery Ice Shelf
Beardmore Glacier
Filchner Ice Shelf
Larsen Ice Shelf
Laurentide Ice Sheet
Ronne Ice Shelf
Shackleton Ice Shelf
Skelton Glacier
Wilkins Ice Shelf

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