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AI Technology for Underwater Robots/Технология искусственного интеллекта для подводных роботов

Артикул: 00-01042295
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Автор: Frank Kirchner, Sirko Straube, Daniel Kuhn, Nina Hoyer
Издательство: Springer (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Switzerland
Серия: Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering (Все книги серии)
ISBN: 978-3-030-30682-3
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 193
Вес: 486 г
2700 P

Книга на английском языке
Data is the oil of the twenty-first century: This is the key phrase that describes and explains the enormous success of AI technologies that we have witnessed over the last decade. This book is trying to outline the possibilities for AI in a field that for now has been left pretty much untouched by these technologies but that offers great potential for the field of AI as well as it will profit enormously from these applications, especially in combination with modern robotic technologies.

Underwater Robots: Challenges and Applications
A Survey of Challenges and Potentials for AI Technologies
Frank Kirchner
Intelligent Sensor Technology: A ‘Must-Have’ for Next-Century Marine Science
Philipp Fischer
Challenges for Deepwater Operations: An Industry Perspective
Daniel Motta, Leone Andrade, Luiz Brеda Mascarenhas and Valter E. Beal
System Design, Dynamics and Control
Intelligent Skin-Advanced Materials and Manufacturing for a Modular and Multipurpose Hull
Ralf Bachmayer and Dorothea Stubing
Modular and Reconfigurable System Design for Underwater Vehicles
Marc Hildebrandt, Kenneth Schmitz and Rolf Drechsler
Intelligent Propulsion
Ralf Bachmayer, Peter Kampmann, Hermann Pleteit, Matthias Busse and Frank Kirchner
Challenges and Opportunities in Communications for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Dirk Wubben, Andreas Konsgen, Asanga Udugama, Armin Dekorsy and Anna Forster
Modular Underwater Manipulators for Autonomous Underwater Intervention
Sebastian Bartsch, Andrej Kolesnikov, Christof Buskens and Mitja Echim
Intervention and Environment Analysis
Machine Learning and Dynamic Whole Body Control for Underwater Manipulation
Josе de Gea Fernandez, Christian Ott and Bilal Wehbe
Adaptive Control for Underwater Gripping Systems
Peter Kampmann, Christof Buskens, Shengdi Wang, Dirk Wubben and Armin Dekorsy
Challenges in Underwater Visual Navigation and SLAM
Kevin Koser and Udo Frese
Underwater Multi-modal Sensing for Environmental Mapping and Vehicle Navigation
Peter Kampmann, Ralf Bachmayer, Daniel Buscher and Wolfram Burgard
Towards a Simulation Framework for Underwater Intervention Analysis and Training
Matthias Teschner and Gabriel Zachmann
Autonomy and Mission Planning
Novel Directions for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation in Confined Spaces
Udo Frese, Daniel Buscher and Wolfram Burgard
Verification for Autonomous Underwater Systems
Christoph Luth, Nicole Megow, Rolf Drechsler and Udo Frese
An Interactive Strategic Mission Management System for Intuitive Human-Robot Cooperation
Elsa Andrea Kirchner, Hagen Langer and Michael Beetz

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