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Medical care/Медицинская помощь

Артикул: 00-01012031
в желания В наличии
Автор: Dr. Sudha Sood, Dr. Malini Kapoor
Издательство: ARI (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Индия
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 675
Вес: 1834 г
7041 P

Книга на английском языке.
In the sea of learning ARI shines bright as a lighthouse. It attracts seafarers from far and near as a centre for quality education with individual attention to the needs of each student.
As our medical department at ARI enters its 18th year of existence, we feel happy with the appreciation and love showered on us by our students, and feel a sense of achievement.
Safety at sea is one of the major concerns of ARI, and where safety fails, only then is First Aid required. In spite of so many checklists and protocols to ensure safety, accidents do happen. Also illnesses and infections can occur on board a vessel.
To guide the seafarers to prevent and manage these medical emergencies and illnesses, it is with great pleasure and pride that we bring forward this edition of our Medicare handout. A lot of hard work has gone into this manual, to bring you the updated information in an easily readable form with a lot of diagrams for clarity and understanding. It would not have been possible without the help of many friends and colleagues.

General principles
Body structure and functions
Immediate action
Toxicological hazards aboard ship, poisoning
Examination of the patient
Spinal injuries
Fractures, dislocations and muscular injuries
Burns, scalds and accidents caused by electricity
Medical care of rescued persons, including distress, hypothermia and cold exposure
Radio medical advice
Cardiac arrest, drowning and asphyxia
Management of acute abdominal conditions
Techniques of sewing and clamping, minor surgical procedures
Aspects of nursing (injections, bp)
Diseases of various systems, tropical and infectious diseases, prevention of diseases
Stis, skin diseases, hiv/aids
Alcohol and drug abuse
Dental care
Gynaecology, pregnancy, childbirth
Death at sea, environmental control on board ship
Keeping of records, regulations

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