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Manual of Oil Tanker Operations/Руководство по эксплуатации нефтяных танкеров

Артикул: 00-01041666
в желания В наличии
Автор: Dr. R. Solly in co-operation with Q. Cox and J. Onslow
Издательство: BROWN, SON & FERGUSON, LTD (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Glasgow
ISBN: 978-1-84927-015-1
Год: 2011
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 191
Вес: 632 г
2100 P

Издание на английском языке
This publication has been written by senior Nautical College lecturers who have responsibility for tanker elements of the Deck Officer academic requirements, as well as statutory and industry tanker training courses. They have extensive practical experience of tanker operations as senior deck officers. The book is aligned closcly to the knowledge requirements of deck cadcLs and junior deck officers to be successful in the academic and practical aspects of their careers. The content is compatible with the HNC, HND and Foundation Degree programmes offered by UK Nautical Colleges.

Chapter One: Historical Background
Chapter Two: Basic Hazards
Chapter Three: Modern Tanker Design
Chapter Four: Sources of Ignition
Chapter Five: Inert Gas Production and Operations
Chapter Six: Gas Evolution and Venting
Chapter Seven: Pipelines and Pumps
Chapter Eight: The Voyage Cycle
Chapter Nine: Types of Berths and Offshore Terminals
Chapter Ten: Tank Cleaning and COW
Chapter Eleven: Pollution Prevention
Chapter Twelve: Dangerous Space Entry
Chapter Thirteen: Cargo Calculations
Chapter Fourteen: Vetting Inspections
Chapter Fifteen: Response to Oil Spillage

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