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RYA Power Schemes Instructor Handbook/Руководство для инструктора по схемам электропитания

Артикул: 00-01040611
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Автор: Colin Ridley & Clive Grant
Издательство: RYA (все книги издательства)
Место издания: England
ISBN: 9781906435974
Год: 2014
Переплет: Мягкий переплет
Страниц: 168
2300 P

Издание на английском языке.
If you’re reading this book, hopefully it’s because you are thinking about training to instruct within the RYA Power schemes, or you are a current instructor looking to see what this new book brings.
The RYA Power Schemes Instructor Handbook is a valuable reference, full of top tips and background about how people learn. In addition, there is plenty of information on teaching boating in all three schemes.
By combining the three Power schemes of powerboating, personal watercraft and inland waterways, we are able to share good practice across the board, and hopefully inspire good instructors to take a look at what the other schemes have to offer.
Good luck with your training!

Part 1
RYA Instructor Code of Conduct for RYA Instructors, Coach Assessors, Trainers and Examiners
RYA Equality Policy
RYA Organization
General Considerations
RYA Instructor Awards
Techniques for Instructing and Coaching
Task Structure
Part 2
The RYA Powerboat Instructor Courses
The RYA Powerboat Scheme
RYA Powerboat Level 2 - Powerboat Handling
RYA Tender Operator Course
RYA Intermediate Powerboat Day Cruising Course
RYA Advanced Powerboat Day & Night Course
Part 3
The RYA Personal Watercraft Scheme
Part 4
The RYA inland Waterways Scheme
Part 5
RYA Powerboat Pre-Instructor Skills Assessment Record
RYA Power Schemes Instructor Log
Appendix 1 - Safeguarding and Child Protection
Appendix 2 - Appeals Procedure
Appendix 3 - Resources and References
Appendix 4 - Powerboating and the Environment

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