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Safety guide for small fishing boats/Руководство по безопасности для небольших рыболовных судов

Артикул: 00-01040566
в желания В наличии
Автор: Gulbrandsen O.
Издательство: FAO (все книги издательства)
Год: 2009
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 54
Вес: 127 г
880 P

Издание на английском языке
Fishing is a very dangerous occupation with a high accident risk. Experience has shown that it is often when a fishery develops from traditional sail-powered craft and near shore fishing to motorized craft venturing further out to sea and with new fishing methods that accidents happen. In many developing countries, fibreglass reinforced plastic (FRP) boats are replacing traditional wooden boats and this new construction material requires new thinking when it comes to strength, stability and the ability to keep afloat when swamped.

Design categories
Types of boats
Measuring the main dimensions
Open boats downflooding height
Open boats swamped buoyancy test
Open boats swamped stability test
Open boats calculating required buoyancy
Boats with quick draining cockpits
Open boats watertight bulkhead
Decked boats – causes of capsizing
Decked boats – weather tight hatches
FRP sheathing of wooden boats
Decked boats freeing ports (Scuppers)
Decked boats watertight bulkheads
Decked boats general arrangement
Deckhouse construction
Crew accommodation
Decked boats – stability
Stability of boats in category A and B
Decked boats – fish hold – penboards
Decked boats – bilge pump system
Bilge pump – deck wash system
Fuel system
Dry exhaust system
Wet exhaust system – engine manifold above loaded waterline
Cockpit drains
Decked boats under15 m – safety check
Decked boats under15 m – overloading precaution
Wet exhaust system – engine manifold below loaded waterline
Engine room ventilation
Electrical system
Engine maintenance
Tools and spare parts to be carried on board
Cooker and gas cylinder installation
Steering system
Anchor equipment
Navigation lights under way
Navigation lights and fishing lights
Life-saving equipment
Calling for help
Emergency sail
Emergency sail details
Alternate life floats

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