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Export-Import Theory, Practices, and Procedures/Теория, практика и процедуры экспорта-импорта

Артикул: 00-01040040
в желания В наличии
Автор: Belay Seyoum
Издательство: Routledge (все книги издательства)
Место издания: New York
ISBN: 978-0-415-81837-7
Год: 2014
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 657
Вес: 1790 г
5000 P

Издание на английском языке
International trade is the exchange of goods and services across national boundaries. It is the most traditional form of international business activity and has played a major role in shaping world history. It is also the first type of foreign business operation undertaken by most companies because importing or exporting requires the least commitment of and risk to the company’s resources. For example, a company could produce for export by using its excess production capacity. This is an inexpensive way of testing a product’s acceptance in the market before investing in foreign production facilities. A company could also use intermediaries, who will take on import-export functions for a fee, thus eliminating the need to commit additional resources to hire personnel or maintain a department to carry out foreign sales or purchases (Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan, 2013).

Introduction—A Brief History of International Trade
Ancient Period
Colonial Period (1500–1900)
1900 to the Present
Section I—Overview of International Trade
Chapter 1—Growth and Direction of International Trade
Importance of International Trade to the Global Economy
Determinants of Trade
Volume and Direction of Trade
Important Developments in Trade
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 1.1 The Limitations of Export-Led Growth
Case 1.2 The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Exports
Chapter 2—International and Regional Agreements Affecting Trade
The GATT and the WTO
Regional Integration Agreements (RIAs)
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
The European Union
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 2.1 The Euro Crisis and Implications
Section II—Export Marketing and Strategy
Chapter 3—Setting Up the Business
Ownership Structure
Business or Trade Name
Bank Accounts, Permits, and Licenses
Location and Use of Professional Services
Organization for Export: Industry Approach
General Principles of Taxation
Taxation of Export-Import Transactions
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 3.1 Globalization and the Shrinking Tax Base
Chapter 4—Planning and Preparations for Export
Assessing and Selecting the Product
International Market Research
International Market Assessment
Developing an International Business Plan
Export Counseling and Assistance
Overseas Travel and Promotion
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 4.1 Developing Export Markets
Case 4.2 Strategies for Entering New Markets
Chapter 5—Export Channels of Distribution
Indirect Channels
Direct Channels
Locating, Contacting, and Evaluating Agents and Distributors
Contracts with Foreign Agents and Distributors (Representatives)
Major Clauses in Representation Agreements
Maintaining and Motivating Overseas Representatives
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 5.1 Export Channel Decisions of Two U.S. Companies
Case 5.2 The Internet and Exporting: A Focus on Developing Countries
Chapter 6—International Logistics, Risk, and Insurance
International Logistics
External Influences on Logistics Functions
Typical Logistics Problems and Solutions
The International Logistics Process
Logistics Functions
Risks in Foreign
Marine and Aviation Insurance
Claims and Procedures
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 6.1 Marine Insurance
Case 6.2 Marine Insurance: Inchmaree Clause
Section III—Executing the Transactions
Chapter 7—Pricing in International Trade
Determinants of Export Prices
Pricing in Export Markets
Pricing Objectives
Calculating the Export Price
Trade Terms
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 7.1 Incoterms (CIF)
Case 7.2 Incoterms (C&F)
Chapter 8—Export Sales Contracts
Harmonization of Contract Law
CISG: Essential Elements
Pertinent Clauses in Export Contracts
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 8.1 CISG
Case 8.2 China National Products versus Apex Digital, Inc
Chapter 9—Trade Documents and Transportation
Documentation in Export-Import Trade
Air Transportation
Ocean Freight
Land Transportation
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 9.1 What Constitutes a Package Under COGSA?
Case 9.2 The Container Revolution
Section IV—Payment Terms and Procedures
Chapter 10—Exchange Rates and International Trade
Foreign Exchange Transactions
Protection Against Exchange Rate Risks
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 10.1 Will the U.S. Dollar Maintain Its Key Currency Status?
Case 10.2 Currency Wars
Chapter 11—Methods of Payment
Consignment Sales
Open Account
Documentary Collection (Documentary Draft)
Documentary Letter of Credit
Cash in Advance
New Payment and Financing Alternatives
Fraud in Documentary Credits
Other Letters of Credit
Chapter Summary
Letters of Credit
Review Questions
Case 11.1 Dishonoring Letters of Credit
Case 11.2 The Independent Principle in Letters of Credit
Case 11.3 Deferred Payment in Letters of Credit (L/C)
Chapter 12—Countertrade
Origins of Countertrade
Benefits of Countertrade
Theories on Countertrade
Forms of Countertrade
Countertrade and the WTO
Countertrade and the International Monetary Fund
Governments’ Attitudes Toward Countertrade
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 12.1 The Bofors-India Countertrade Deal
Case 12.2 Offsets in U.S. Defense Trade
Section V—Financing Techniques and Vehicles
Chapter 13—Capital Requirements and Private Sources of Financing
Capital Sources for Export-Import Businesses
Private Sources of Export Financing
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 13.1 Tadoo’s Sales to Belgium
Chapter 14—Government Export Financing Programs
Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) in Various Countries
Export-Import Bank of the United States (Eximbank)
Small Business Administration
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
Private Export Funding Corporation
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 14.1 Trade Finance for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises in Transition Economies
Case 14.2 Eximbank Financing: Selected Cases
Section VI—Export Regulations and Tax Incentives
Chapter 15—Regulations and Policies Affecting Exports
Export Licensing and Administration
Antiboycott Regulations
Foreign Corrupt Practices
Antitrust Laws and Trade Regulation
Incentives to Promote Exports
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 15.1 Export Trade Certificate of Review
Case 15.2 Selected Cases in Enforcement of FCPA
Section VII—Import Procedures and Techniques
Chapter 16—Import Regulations, Trade Intermediaries, and Services
Import Restrictions in the United States
U.S. Free-Trade Agreements (FTAs)
U.S. Trade Preferences
Trade Intermediaries and Services
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 16.1 Tax Deduction for Processing in Maquilas: Mere Assembly or Fabrication
Case 16.2 Import Penetration Rates in U.S. High-Value Industries: Focus on China
Chapter 17—Selecting Import Products and Suppliers
Selecting Products for Importation
Determining Import Volume
Selecting the Supplier
Pricing the Imported Product
Import Marketing Channels
Financing Imports
International Sourcing
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 17.1 The ATA Carnet: Unlocking Customs for Temporary Entry of Goods
Case 17.2 Maytag’s Triad Strategy
Chapter 18—The Entry Process for Imports
The Entry Process
The Harmonized Code (HS Code)
Customs Valuation
Rules of Origin and Other Marking Requirements
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 18.1 Deemed Liquidation by Customs
Case 18.2 Product Classification
Chapter 19—Import Relief to Domestic Industry
Import Relief under the WTO
Unfairly Traded Imports
Fairly Traded Imports
U.S. Import Relief to Domestic Industries
Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Proceedings
Other Trade Remedies
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 19.1 Similar Products and Dumping
Case 19.2 Dominican Republic: Safeguard Measures on Imports of Polypropylene Bags and Tubular Fabric
Chapter 20—Intellectual Property Rights
What Are Intellectual Property Rights?
Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
International and Regional Protection
Global E-Commerce: Selling in a Networked Economy
Trading Online
International Regulation of Electronic Commerce
Chapter Summary
Review Questions
Case 20.1 Patents and Access to Lifesaving Drugs
Case 20.2 Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade
Appendix A—Trading Opportunities in Selected Countries
Appendix B—Importing into the United States
Appendix C—Trade Profiles of Selected Countries
Appendix D—Average Tariff Rates of Selected Countries
Appendix E—Doing Business with China
Appendix F—U.S. Trade Profile
Appendix G—Export Credit Agencies in Selected Countries
Appendix H—A Brief Comparison of Cargo Conventions
Appendix I—Countries That Are Members of Cargo Conventions
Appendix J—Rotterdam Rules
Appendix K—Freight Calculations
Appendix L—Sample Export Business Plan: Donga Michael Export Company
Appendix M—Sample Import Business Plan: Otoro Import Company
Appendix N—Export Sales Contract (Basic Clauses)
Appendix O—Sample Distributorship Agreement
Appendix P—Sample Sales Representative Agreement
Appendix Q—North American Free Trade Agreement
Appendix R—Trade Documents

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