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The development of the law of the sea convention. The role of international courts and tribunals/Конвенция о развитии морского права. Роль международных судов и трибуналов

Артикул: 00-01038254
в желания В наличии
Автор: Оystein Jensen
Издательство: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited (все книги издательства)
Место издания: UK
ISBN: 978-1-83910-426-8
Год: 2020
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 297
Вес: 895 г
1385 P

Издание на английском языке
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has been in force for a quarter of a century now. It establishes a comprehensive legal regime for the oceans - the major site of interaction between states on the planet, and an area that is frequently the focus of inter-state frictions. Ratified by the vast majority of the world’s states, UNCLOS serves as the applicable law of the sea framework in most state-to-state relations. Over the course of the first 25 years of its operation, its provisions have been the subject of a range of inter-state disputes concerning interpretation and application.

List of abbreviations
Table of cases
1 General introduction Oystein Jensen
2 The regime of islands Sir Malcolm D. Evans and Reece Lewis
3 Revealing a mosaic: international jurisprudence concerning the non-fisheries elements of the exclusive economic zone regime Robin Churchill
4 Legislative and enforcement jurisdiction of the coastal state with respect to fisheries in the exclusive economic zone Nigel Bankes
5 Managing transboundary fish stocks for sustainability Andrew Serdy
6 Obligations of flag states in the exclusive economic zone Aldo Chircop
7 Deep seabed mining Aline Jaeckel
8 ITLOS and the tale of the tenacious genuine link Moira L. McConnell
9 Hot pursuit Knut E. Skodvin
10 Historic rights Seokwoo Lee and Lowell Bautista
11 Reflections Oystein Jensen

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