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Mentally Healthy Ships. Policy and Practice to Promote Mental Health on Board/Психическое здоровье на кораблях. Политика и практика по укреплению психического здоровья на борту

Артикул: 00-01037614
в желания В наличии
Автор: Dr Pennie Blackburn
Издательство: ISWAN (все книги издательства)
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 31
Вес: 77 г
1050 P

Издание на английском языке
Mental health is crucial to how well staff are engaged, motivated and able to perform effectively in their role. Staff with good mental health are likely to be more productive, perform better and have fewer accidents. It is in the interests of the employer to implement policies and practices which promote good mental health and mitigate the effects of work-related stressors wherever possible. This guide sets out to provide useful information for shipping and ship management companies on how best to devise and implement mental health policies and practices to promote and protect positive mental health shoreside and on board.

What is Mental Health?
Mental Health at Sea
Key Findings from the ITF Seafarers’ Trust & Yale University
Seafarer Mental Health Study
The Scale of the Problem
The Role of the Employer in the Maritime Industry
Mentally Healthy Ships: Steps to Good Policy & Practice
Mental Health Policy Development
Policy Objectives
Compatible Company Policies
Mental Health Strategic Implementation Plan
Key Elements of Mental Health Action Planning
1. Manage Risks to Mental Health
Identify Risks and Protective factors
Literature Review
Company Risk Assessment
Company Data Sources
Staff Surveys
Risk Mitigation
2.Mental Health Promotion
Direct Mental Health Promotion:
Creating a Mentally Healthy Environment on Board
Positive Relationships on Board: an example
On Board with Mental Health
3. Support and Response Mechanisms
Management of Mental Health Problems on Board
Common Mental Health Problems
Reasonable Adjustments to Work
Designated Mental Health Officer
Telemedical Services
Occupational Health
Remote Psychological Support
Confidential Access to Support and Self-Help
Urgent Response: Mental Health Emergencies
Emergency Response: Major Incident Response
Implementing Appropriate Support and Response Mechanisms
Appendix A - World Health Organization (WHO)
Suicide Prevention Strategy Risk Factors and Interventions
Appendix B - Risks to Mental Health for Seafarers
Training Recommendations
Appendix C - Example Mental Health Risk Assessment Template
Appendix D

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