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Human factors in simple and complex systems/Человеческий фактор в простых и сложных системах

Артикул: 00-01037358
в желания В наличии
Автор: Robert W. Proctor, Trisha Van Zandt
Издательство: CRC Press (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-1-4822-2956-1
Год: 2018
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 698
Вес: 1891 г
4290 P

Издание на английском языке
The third edition of Human Factors in Simple and Complex Systems is intended to update and expand our earlier editions taking into account the technological changes over the last 8 years. While technology may change, the foundation for understanding human performance remains the same. This foundation allows us to address issues of human factors and ergonomics in new and emerging technologies from a coherent, process-oriented perspective. As such, our goal continues to be to provide students with the knowledge necessary to understand the range of human factors issues that may be encountered in the design, implementation, and evaluation of products and systems. Our intent is to provide a foundation in the principles of human performance and a broad overview of the field of human factors for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.

Preface to Third Edition
Preface to Second Edition
Part I Foundat ions of human factors
Chapter 1 Historical Foundations of Human Factors
Chapter 2 Research Methods in Human Factors
Chapter 3 Reliability and Human Error in Systems
Chapter 4 Human Information Processing
Part II Perceptual Factors and Their Applications
Chapter 5 Visual Perception..
Chapter 6 Perception of Objects in the World
Chapter 7 Hearing, Proprioception, and the Chemical Senses
Chapter 8 The Display of Visual, Auditory, and Tactual Information
Part III Cognitive Factors and Their Applications
Chapter 9 Attention and the Assessment of Mental Workload
Chapter 10 Retention and Comprehension of Information
Chapter 11 Solving Problems and Making Decisions
Chapter 12 Experts and Expert Systems
Part IV Action Factors and Their Applications
Chapter 13 Response Selection and Principles of Compatibility
Chapter 14 Control of Movement and Learning of Motor Skill
Chapter 15 Controls and Controlling Actions
Part V Environmental Factors and Their Applications
Chapter 16 Anthropometrics and Workspace Design
Chapter 17 Environmental Ergonomics
Chapter 18 Human Resource Management and Macroergonomics
Chapter 19 The Practice of Human Factors
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
List of Credits

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