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A master’s guide to: the carriage of steel cargo/Руководство мастера по перевозке стальных грузов

Артикул: 00-01036419
в желания В наличии
Издательство: The Standard P&I Club (все книги издательства)
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 44
Вес: 161 г
800 P

Издание на английском языке
The guide sets out to promote best practice and raise awareness of the risks of shipping steel cargo. It is written as a reference guide for the master, cargo officers and shore operations staff.
Steel is a high-value cargo, a cargo easily damaged by rough handling, water and moisture.
When carrying steel products by sea, it is essential to ensure that neither the steel nor the ship suffers damage. Its weight presents substantial challenges with stowage and securing. The ship must be fit to receive the cargo and the cargo must be safely stowed and secured. Incorrect stowage can lead to hull and cargo damage.

01. Steel manufacture
02. Basic advice
Cargo securing
Cargo care
03. Steel commonly shipped by sea
Finished steel products
Other steel products
04. Steel cargo surveys
Survey procedure
Silver nitrate testing
Test procedure
05. Bills of lading
06. Steel coils and ship’s strength
Class rules
Inner bottom and hopper strength
07. Principles of stowage
Round products - coils
Imperfect and damaged coils
Coiled wire rod
Flat products - plates and slabs
California block stowage
Long products - bars, profiles, angles, channels, beams and girders
08. Principles of securing
09. Cargo officer’s duties during steel cargo loading/discharge
10 Ship husbandry and steel cargo
Corrosion and relative humidity
Hatch covers
11. Safety when working with steel
12. Appendix: Case study 1 - Damaged cargo and clean bills of lading
The cargo
The preloading survey
Clauses and endorsements - wording for the bills of lading
Bills of lading and endorsements
Letters of indemnity - LOIs
At the discharge port
The claim
Comments and analysis
13. Appendix: Case study 2 - Poor dunnage
Comments and analysis
14. Loading checklist
15. Conclusion
List of photos

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