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A master’s guide to container securing/Руководство мастера по креплению контейнеров

Артикул: 00-01036418
в желания В наличии
Издательство: The Standard P&I Club (все книги издательства)
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 51
Вес: 123 г
900 P

Издание на английском языке
The guide to Container Securing is an original Standard Club document first produced in 2006. Now in its third edition, this guide revises the advice on applying extra lashings to realign the publication with current standards and includes additional advice on design roll angle and the container securing arrangement, periodic checks of lashings, and avoidance of over tightening lashings. This guide sets out to promote industry best practice and was written in collaboration with Lloyd’s Register, one of the world’s leading providers of professional services for engineering and technology.

01. Introduction
02. Basic advice
Points to remember:
03. Dos and don’ts
04. Lashing systems - common false beliefs
05. Safe working
Working with containers
Lashing areas
Working areas must:
06. Ships
Ship types
Ship classification
07. Containers
Container sizes
Container types
Dry van boxes
Curtain wall containers
Refrigerated containers
Tank containers
Flat-rack containers
Euro containers
08. Container construction
Construction and strength
Corner posts
The outer frame
Corner castings
Forklift pockets
Container certification
Container construction
ISO Series 1 freight containers
International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC)
Certification of reefer containers
Containers with open doors
09. Lashing components
Fixed fitting (attached to ship)
Loose fittings in common use
Loose fittings in less common use
Lashing components
10. Principles of stowage
Containers carried below deck in cell guides
Containers carried below deck without cell guides
Containers carried on deck
When stowing and securing containers, the following points should be borne in mind:
Checks and tests during discharge and loading
Checks and tests at sea
Very large container ships
11. Ship behaviour
Ship’s structure
Container strength and ship motion
Parametric rolling
Why are large container ships vulnerable?
Consequences of a parametric roll
Very large container ships
12. Consequences of failure - case study
Course and speed
Stowage and securing
List of photos and diagrams

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