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A master’s guide to enclosed space entry/Руководство мастера по входу в закрытые помещения

Артикул: 00-01036412
в желания В наличии
Издательство: The Standard P&I Club (все книги издательства)
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 35
Вес: 86 г
740 P

Издание на английском языке
The purpose of this guide is to assist seafarers to enter enclosed spaces safely, in order to prevent enclosed space-related casualties.
Investigations into such incidents show that most are caused by poor training and knowledge of the correct entry procedures, or a disregard for them. It is therefore vital that all seafarers are aware of the danger of enclosed spaces and learn the correct entry procedures, whether or not it is a requirement of their role on board. Seafarers must understand that no enclosed space should be entered without following proper precautions, even in an emergency. As part of the Loss Prevention department’s continuing commitment to safety at sea, a number of ‘Master’s Guides’ have been produced which focus on delivering best practice advice on key areas of vessel operations to avert avoidable claims and prevent accidents, casualties and incidents at sea. These guides were created by harnessing the professional knowledge of those members of the Loss Prevention team who have served at sea.

01. Example incidents
02. What is an enclosed space?
03. IMO/SOLAS regulations
Drill regulations
Portable instruments regulations
04. Safety Management Systems (SMS)
05. Enclosed space hazards
Hazardous atmosphere
Physical or configuration hazard
Changing and hazardous conditions
Engulfment hazard
06. Risk assessment
07. Entry procedures
Authorisation for entry
General precautions
Testing the atmosphere
Precautions during entry
08. Additional precautions where the atmosphere is known or suspected to be unsafe
09. Hazards relating to ship types and cargo
Dangerous goods in packaged form
Liquid bulk
Solid bulk
Use of nitrogen as an inert gas
Oxygen-depleting cargoes and materials
10. Managing shoreside personnel
11. Training, drills, and rescue
12. Appropriate equipment
13. Conclusion
Appendix - Example of an enclosed space entry permit
List of photos

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