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The history of celestial navigation. Rise of the Royal observatory and nautical almanacs/История мореходной астрономии. Расцвет Королевской обсерватории и морских альманахов

Артикул: 00-01034833
в желания В наличии
Автор: P. Kenneth Seidelmann, Catherine Y. Hohenkerk
Издательство: Springer (все книги издательства)
Место издания: Switzerland
Серия: Historical & Cultural Astronomy (Все книги серии)
ISBN: 978-3-030-43630-8
Год: 2020
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 342
Вес: 1007 г
4300 P

Издание на английском языке.
A book on the history of the nautical almanac was proposed by Springer, who realized that while books have been written about the longitude problem and the Harrison clocks that solved the problem in one way, the complete story of the founding of the Royal Observatory, the Nautical Almanac Offices in both the UK and the USA, and the interesting people involved has not been told. An amazing milestone is that The Nautical Almanac has now been published for over 250 years. Thus, at the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Vienna in 2018, a meeting was held between Springer’s Senior Editor for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Planetary, and Space Science, Neil Scriven; “Historical and Cultural Astronomy” Series Editor, Wayne Orchiston; and long-time member of HM Nautical Almanac Office and the Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO), Catherine Y. Hohenkerk. This resulted in a plan to approach various authors, who would bring their experience and knowledge to the subject, and importantly to find someone to coedit the book with Catherine Y. Hohenkerk. P. Kenneth Seidelmann was an obvious choice, not only due to his wide experience in astronomy, but also, he had been at one time responsible for almanacs at the US Naval Observatory. It was also known that he was now doing research on the history of the different nautical almanac offices and their equivalent institutions.

1 Before the Nautical Almanacs. P. Kenneth Seidelmann
2 King Charles and the Founding of the Royal Observatory. Adam J. Perkins
3 Edmond Halley, Isaac Newton and the Longitude Act of 1714. Adam J. Perkins
4 The First Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris. Jim Bennett
5 The British and American Nautical Almanacs in the 19th Century. Adam J. Perkins and Steven J. Dick
6 International Cooperation. P. Kenneth Seidelmann
7 The Almanacs in the 20th Century: Computers and Applications. Bernard D. Yallop and Catherine Y. Hohenkerk
8 Reference Systems. Dennis D. McCarthy
9 Evolution of The Nautical Almanac & Celestial Navigation Today. Steven A. Bell, John A. Bangert, and George H. Kaplan

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