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Robotic sailing 2017/Роботизированный парусный спорт 2017

Артикул: 00-01034294
в желания В наличии
Автор: Editor Kjell Ivar Qvergard
Издательство: Springer (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-3-319-72738-7
Год: 2018
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 101
Вес: 250 г
2640 P

Издание на английском языке
Autonomous surface vessels are currently a focus area for industry and academia. Efforts are now underway to produce MV Yara Birkeland, the first unmanned fully autonomous vessel for goods transport. The battery-powered vessel is an industry collaboration between Yara and Kongsberg Maritime and expected to replace 40.000 tuck-loads between the island Herya and ports in Brevik and Larvik. Significant resources are put into the development of this project. Similar initiatives are underway with both offshore supply vessels and small passenger ferries. Unfortunately, the same resources are not available for research and development of robotic sailing vessels, which has the advantage of using just clean, renewable and free energy for propulsion. Battery-powered vessels have the advantage that energy is readily available, but the production of batteries and electricity comes with a negative environmental footprint. The range of applications for zero-energy sailing vessels can be argued as limited compared to powered vessels, but sailing vessels have the advantages of being more environmentally friendly and allow for long sailing time. Utilizing wind for propulsion of vessels is a way to reduce emissions and return to an ecologically sustainable transport.

Part I Sails and Software for Autonomous Sailing
An Alternative Wing Sail Concept for Small Autonomous Sailing Craft
Paul Miller, Carolyn Judge, Dylan Sewell and Sean Williamson
Correlation of Velocity Prediction Program for Small Autonomous Sailboats
Paul Miller, Peter Hodapp, Ryan Pinch, Jessica Robinson and Camille Tiemann
APASail-An Agent-Based Platform for Autonomous Sailing Research and Competition
Bruno Alves, Bruno Veloso and Benedita Malheiro
A Component-Based C++ Communication Middleware for an Autonomous Robotic Sailboat
Francisco J. Santana-Jorge, Antonio C. Dominguez-Brito and Jorge Cabrera-Gamez
Part II Navigation and Anti-collision Algorithms
Voter Based Control System for Collision Avoidance and Sailboat Navigation
Jordan Less’ard-Springett, Anna Friebe and Mael Le Gallic
An Attractor/Repellor Approach to Autonomous Sailboat Navigation
Dermot Tynan
Chase, No Straighter: COLREG Compliant Anti-collision Manoeuvres for Crossing Situations
Kjell Ivar Overgard, Marius Stian Tannum, Per Haavardtun and Jens Kristian Berg Syversen

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