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Troubleshooting centrifugal pumps and their systems/Устранение неисправностей центробежных насосов и их систем

Артикул: 00-01034210
в желания В наличии
Автор: Ron Palgrave
Издательство: Butterworth-Heinemann (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-0-08-102503-1
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 688
Вес: 900 г
4614 P

Издание на английском языке
Those who operate centrifugal pumping machinery sometimes have to deal with the situation where a pumping system fails to perform. The easiest, but most inconvenient and costly solution is to replace the machine. The new edition of Troubleshooting Centrifugal Pumps and their Systems helps analyze the source of the problem which sometimes lies in the system itself and not the pump. It also shows that the pump characteristics can be reconfigured to suit changing conditions. The book provides guidance to those faced with deciding when to withdraw a pump from service for repair and how it should be subsequently treated as well as assist those who feel ill-equipped to try to analyze unsatisfactory pump system behavior.
This book is for those responsible for the selection or daily operation of centrifugal pumping machinery and who might be faced with a situation where a pumping system fails to perform.
Those who operate centrifugal pumping machinery sometimes have to deal with the situation where a pumping system fails to perform. The easiest, but most inconvenient and costly solution is to replace the machine. The new edition of Troubleshooting Centrifugal Pumps and their Systems helps analyze the source of the problem which sometimes lies in the system itself and not the pump. It also shows that the pump characteristics can be reconfigured to suit changing conditions. The book provides guidance to those faced with deciding when to withdraw a pump from service for repair and how it should be subsequently treated as well as assist those who feel ill-equipped to try to analyze unsatisfactory pump system behavior.
This book is for those responsible for the selection or daily operation of centrifugal pumping machinery and who might be faced with a situation where a pumping system fails to perform.

1 Preface to second edition
1. Introduction
2. History
3. Centrifugal pump basics; part 1
4. Pump basics; part 2
5. Pipe system basics
6. Troubleshooting prelude
7. Does the pump need to start yet?
8. Are conditions suitable for start-up?
9. Start pump
10. Has pump started satisfactorily?
11. Does the pump continue to operate well?
12. Does pump need to stop yet?
13 . Stop pump!
14. Has pump stopped correctly?
Appendix A - Pump selection guidelines
Appendix В - Guides to estimating a pumps performance, if its hydraulic sizes are given
Appendix С - The affinity laws, and breaking them
Appendix D - Inlet backflow
Appendix E - Cavitation
Appendix F - Simple demonstration of Lomakin effect
Appendix G - Reverse pumps as turbines [See also Chapter 14]
Appendix H - Thermal temperature rise
Appendix I - Site testing
Appendix J - Internal wear in pumps
Appendix К - Hydraulic modifications

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