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The purpose of the ADMIRALTY ENC and ECDIS Maintenance Record (NPI33C) is to provide the mariner with an easy method for managing and maintaining all ENC and ECDIS related documentation. NPI33C is a companion to NP133A, ADMIRALTY Paper Chart Maintenance Record used by many commercial vessels to manage their paper chart holdings.
It provides an authoritative document to assist in the auditing and inspection of ENCs and their updates. The ADMIRALTY ENC and ECDIS Maintenance Record is intended for use as an integral part of a vessel's Safety Management System (SMS) in line with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and can be used to demonstrate that the ECDIS is being maintained and managed to meet SOLAS carriage requirements.
The ISM Code provides an international standard for the safe management and operation of vessels. Under the Code, a company must develop, maintain and implement an SMS. This should be used by the company and its employees to manage the wide range of risks associated with operation of vessels. Use of the ADMIRALTY ENC and ECDIS Maintenance Record as part of navigation bridge procedures should be recognized within procedures documented in the SMS.
In order to assist development of efficient procedures for the operation and management of ECDIS, the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office also publishes NP231, ADMIRALTY Guide to the Practical Use of ENCs and NP232, ADMIRALTY Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures.
Users should ensure that they are familiar with the procedures defined within their SMS before using this publication. The flow diagram on the following page provides a useful top-level guide to each individual section which can be incorporated into the SMS. Users should consult the flow diagram and print out appropriate information before storing it in accordance with the numbered sectionsand dividers provided.
1. Digital Chart Service Certificate
2. Schedule A
3. ENC Status
4. Temporary and Preliminary Notices to Mariners and ADMIRALTY Information Overlay Status
5. Important Service Notices - the README file
6. Section VIII of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners
7. Cancelled and Withdrawn ENCs
8. Guide to ECDIS audits and inspections
9. Maintenance of ECDIS
10. ECDIS Familiarisation training
11. Maritime Cyber Risk Management