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The Seafarer’s Mind/Разум моряка

Артикул: 00-01033241
в желания В наличии
Автор: Martin Otto
Издательство: RVB (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-3-944472-23-2
Год: 2020
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 128
Вес: 165 г
950 P

Издание на английском языке
The Seafarer’s Mind is a wonderful resource for seafarers. The book is rich in narrative and case studies and covers a wide range of issues and challenges facing sailors on the high seas. A hard hitting account which unpacks the realities of a modern version of indentured labour, the author provides hope in the often harsh world of seafaring. This is a practical guide to living in isolating and confined situations where temptations abound and moral compasses are often abandoned.
Martin Otto is the world’s leader in serving seafarers through his international mission work. He is to be commended for being God’s advocate in such an insightful, humble and practical manner. This book will become a widely read text and is sure to become a key reference for all seafarers seeking to live a Godly life in an often harsh and unforgiving environment.

1. I’m finally a seaman!
2. What is home? Where is home?
3. This loneliness is driving me crazy
4. Am I stuck in a trap?
5. Seafarers fears and worries
6. What is the goal or purpose of my life?
7. Will there ever be an end to the temptations?
8. How can I be a good husband? How can I take care of my family?
9. What kind of legacy can I leave for my children?
10. Will I ever have enough time for my children?
11. What do my children think about me?
12. What is necessary to be a good father?
13. Which religion is the right one?
14. Where can I find solutions?
15. People who have found the answer
Appendix 1
Appendix 2

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