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Outbreak Management Plan: Covid-19/План борьбы со вспышкой Covid-19

Артикул: 00-01029820
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Intertanko (все книги издательства)
Серия: Боремся с коронавирусом COVID-2019 (Все книги серии)
Год: 2020
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 14
Вес: 38 г
550 P

Издание на английском языке
This document outlines the plans and procedures to be put in place to prepare a ship for shore personnel to come on board and to protect seafarers from the dangers posed by the new Coronavirus disease (Covid-19).
This includes potential exposure from shore personnel and the actions to take in the event of a suspected case on board. This guidance should be read in conjunction with the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)-published Coronavirus (Covid-19) Guidance for Ship Operators for the Protection of the Health of Seafarers.

Symptoms of Covid-19 from the World Health Organisation
Basic protective measures against Covid-19
Personal Protective Equipment
Prior to calling at port
Precautions with Pilot on board
Precautions with Private Maritime Security Guards on board
When In Port
Cargo Operations
Repair and Dry Dock Operations
Signing off and on seafarers
Suspected case
Medical Waste Disposal
Medical repatriation
On-going monitoring
Crew Training
Health Declaration Form

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