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Oceanography. An Invitation to Marine Science/Океанография. Введение в морскую науку

Артикул: 00-01027846
в желания В наличии
Автор: Tom Garrison
Издательство: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 0-495-39193-X
Год: 2010
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 606
Вес: 1512 г
5060 P
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Издание на английском языке
This book was written to provide an interesting, clear, current, and reasonably comprehensive overview of the ocean sciences. It was designed for students who are curious about Earth’s largest feature, but who may have little formal background in science. Oceanography is broadly interdisciplinary; students are invited to see the connections between astronomy, economics, physics, chemistry, history, meteorology, geology, and ecology-areas of study they once considered separate. It’s no surprise that oceanography courses have become increasingly popular!
Students bring a natural enthusiasm to their study of this field. Even the most indifferent reader will perk up when presented with stories of encounters with huge waves, photos of giant squids, tales of exploration under the best and worst of circumstances, evidence that vast chunks of Earth’s surface slowly move, news of Earth’s past battered by asteroids, micrographs of glistening diatoms, and data showing the growing economic importance of seafood and marine materials. If pure spectacle is required to generate an initial interest in the study of science, oceanography wins hands down!
In the end, however, it is subtlety that triumphs.
Studying the ocean reinstills in us the sense of wonder we all felt as children when we first encountered the natural world. There is much to tell. The story of the ocean is a story of change and chance-its history is written in the rocks, the water, and the genes of the millions of organisms that have evolved here.

1. Origins
2. History
3. Earth Structure and Plate Tectonics
4. Ocean Basins
5. Sediments
6. Water and Ocean Structure
7. Ocean Chemistry
8. Circulation of the Atmosphere
9. Circulation of the Ocean
10. Waves
11. Tides
12. Coasts
13. Life in the Ocean
14. Plankton, Algae, and Plants
15. Marine Animals
16. Marine Communities
17. Marine Resources
18. The Ocean and The Environment
Appendix I Measurements and Conversions
Appendix II Geologic Time
Appendix III Absolute and Relative Dating
Appendix IV Latitude and Longitude, Time, and Navigation
Appendix V Maps and Charts
Appendix VI The Beaufort Scale
Appendix VII Calculating the Tide-Generating Force
Appendix VIII Taxonomic Classification of Marine Organisms
Appendix IX Periodic Table of the Elements
Appendix X Working in Marine Science

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