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A High-Rate Virtual Instrument of Marine Vehicle Motions for Underwater Navigation and Ocean Remote Sensing/Высокоскоростной виртуальный инструмент управления морскими транспортными средствами для подводной навигации и дистанционного зондирования океана

Артикул: 00-01027383
в желания В наличии
Автор: Chrystel Gelin
Издательство: Springer (все книги издательства)
Серия: Springer Series on Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, Shipbuilding and Shipping (Все книги серии)
ISBN: 978-3-642-32014-9
Год: 2013
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 112
Вес: 285 г
2000 P
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Издание на английском языке
Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) are self contained unmanned untethered vessels that can transit on the surface of the water autonomously or through remote control. Unlike conventional manned surface vessels that are usually large and costly to build and operate, USVs are typically smaller in size and lower cost resulting from the reduced payload requirement extending from being unmanned.
In manned vessels, much of the volume is necessary to support the activities (such as control, navigation, maintenance, and mission related tasks), and sustainment (such as berthing, feeding, and entertainment) of the human occupants that recursively increases the size, volume, and power requirements. USVs have no such requirements and therefore are typically many times smaller and more efficient than manned surface vessels.
In the last two decades significant effort has been invested in the development of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs), while only a small effort has focused on Unmanned Surface Vessels/Autonomous Surface Vessels (USVs/ASVs). The major efforts in the design of USVs have focused in two areas: platforms for hydrographic data acquisition (Chaumet-Lagrange 1994; Manley 1997; and DSOR 1998), and GATEWAY platforms that provide positioning and communications capabilities through the air-sea interface for UUVs (DSOR 1998; ISR-IST and Oliveira 1999).
The work presented in this book is part of a larger project that aims to develop a combination oceanographic and GATEWAY USV. In particular, a low-cost high rate position measurement system is implemented to increase the navigation, acoustic positioning, and oceanographic capabilities of the overall system.

List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
1.1 Autonomous Surface Vessels for Hydrographic Data Acquisition
1.2 Gateway USVs
1.3 Proposed System
1.4 Problem Statement
1.5 Contributions
1.5.1 Book Outline
2 Instrumentation and Data Acquisition System
2.1 The Sensors
2.2 Data Acquisition System
3 Data Processing
3.1 Reference Frames
3.2 Coordinate Transformation
3.3 Data Fusion
3.4 ADCP Processing
4 Motion Observation and Experimental Results
4.1 Vertical Motion
4.2 Data Acquisition System Lab Testing
5 At-Sea Experiment of Data Acquisition System
5.1 Motion Data Acquisition Measurements and Navigational Data Fusion Results
5.2 ADCP Unreferenced and Corrected Measurements
5.3 Conclusion on the At-Sea Mission
6 Conclusion
Appendix A – Native Output of the Instruments
Appendix B – Setup and Acquisition of the ADCP

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