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Dinghy Sailing. Start to Finish. Парусная шлюпка. От начала до конца

Артикул: 00-01027144
в желания Нет в наличии
Автор: Barry Pickthall
Издательство: WILEY NAUTICAL (все книги издательства)
Место издания: England
ISBN: 9780470697542
Год: 2014
Переплет: Интегральный переплет
Страниц: 190
Вес: 289 г
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Dinghy Sailing is the perfect book if you are new to sailing and want to learn the basics, or are an experienced sailor who wants to broaden your skills and develop your techniques. This easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide is packed with clear illustrations and photographs and contains everything you need to know, including basic principles, what to wear, preparing to sail, the first sail, advanced sailing and racing.
Get on the water and take to the helm with confidence with this practical guide.

Getting started
Basic principles
Parts of the boat
The rig
The science of sailing
Points of sail
Choosing a dinghy Transporting dinghies Knots, ropes and running rigging Essential gear
Preparing to sail
What to wear
Rigging the boat
Rules of the road
Wind and tides
Telltale signs of the weather
First sail
Balance, sail, trim
Sailing downwind
Capsize and recovery Returning to shore
Advanced sailing
Spinnaker handling Asymmetric spinnakers
Heavy weather sailing
Basics of racing
The start
Around the course
Glossary of terms

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