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Marine Propellers and Propulsion Судовые винты и пропульсивные комплексы

Артикул: 00-01027117
в желания В наличии
Автор: J S Carlton
Издательство: Elsevier Ltd (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-0-08-100366-4
Год: 2019
Переплет: Твердая обложка
Страниц: 590
Вес: 1639 г
7150 P
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Издание на английском языке
Marine Propellers and Propulsion, Fourth Edition, offers comprehensive, cutting edge coverage to equip marine engineers, naval architects or anyone involved in propulsion and hydrodynamics with essential job knowledge. Propulsion technology is a complex, multidisciplinary topic with design, construction, operational and research implications. Drawing on experience from a long and varied career in consulting, research, design and technical investigation, John Carlton examines hydrodynamic theory, materials and mechanical considerations, and design, operation and performance. Connecting essential theory to practical problems in design, analysis and operational efficiency, the book is an invaluable resource, packed with hard-won insights, detailed specifications and data.

Chapter 1. The early development of the screw propeller
Chapter 2. Propulsion systems
Chapter 3. Propeller geometry
Chapter 4. The propeller environment
Chapter 5. The wake field
Chapter 6. Propeller performance characteristics
Chapter 7. Theoretical methods - basic concepts
Chapter 8. Theoretical methods - propeller theories
Chapter 9. Cavitation
Chapter 10. Propeller noise
Chapter 11. Propeller-ship interaction
Chapter 12. Ship resistance and propulsion
Chapter 13. Thrust augmentation devices
Chapter 14. Transverse thrusters
Chapter 15. Azimuthing and podded propulsors
Chapter 16. Waterjet propulsion
Chapter 17. Full-scale trials
Chapter 18. Propeller materials
Chapter 19. Propeller blade strength
Chapter 20. Propeller manufacture
Chapter 21. Propeller blade vibration
Chapter 22. Propeller design
Chapter 23. Operational problem
Chapter s24. Service performance and analysis
Chapter 25. Propeller – Ice Interaction and Operation
Chapter 26. Propeller tolerances and inspection
Chapter 27. Propeller maintenance and repair

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