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HMS Belfast Guidebook

Артикул: 00-01026789
в желания В наличии
Издательство: Belmont Press (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-1-904897-93-4
Год: 2013
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 64
Вес: 111 г
1600 P
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Welcome on board
WELCOME TO HMS BELFAST, one of the branches of iwm (imperial war museums) and a unique reminder of britain’s naval heritage.
Moored in the pool of london, the belfast plays an important part in helping iwm fulfil our remit, ensuring that present and future generations understand the causes and, most importantly, the consequences of conflict originally founded in 1917, iwm chronicles the impact of war during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries at all levels and includes records of the experiences of men and women in the forces as well as civilians, all of whom have been caught up in conflict over the past century. Iwm continues to collect today and thus exists as a record not only of our past but of ongoing conflict and its effect on our society and daily lives.

Welcome on board
Plan of the ship
The life story of hms belfast
Life on board the ship
The inner workings
Action stations!
Corporate hospitality
Iwm’s other branches

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