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Cruising the Mexican Riviera & Baja. A Guide to the Ships & the Ports of Call/Круиз по Мексиканской Ривьере и Баха. Руководство по кораблям и портам

Артикул: 00-01024901
в желания В наличии
Автор: Larry Ludmer
Издательство: Hunter (все книги издательства)
Место издания: USA
ISBN: 1-58843-511-3
Год: 2005
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 293
Вес: 370 г
1320 P
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Издание на английском языке
This book is intended to serve as an information source for planning a cruise to Mexico’s Pacific coast, as well as a companion to take with you on land while exploring this fascinating and beautiful country. It will enable both the first-time and experienced cruise traveler to select a cruise that’s right for them and, once the trip has begun, to get the most enjoyment from their time both onboard ship and while ashore.
Experienced travelers rarely get their information from one source, and I wouldn’t expect that you would so limit yourself. Because the port information offered in this book is geared to the general traveler with only a single day available, you should do further research for any port of call that is of particular or special interest to you. Obtaining a guidebook on that place would be the logical next step.
As you peruse this book you’ll learn that there are many cruise lines offering service to the Mexican Riviera and Baja. I strongly encourage you to visit your local travel agent and grab a stack of cruise brochures. In combination with the information in this book, they will further help you to decide which ship and itinerary is right for you.

Cruise Popularity
What’s Included
A Brief Survey of Mexico
Geographically Speaking
A Brief History
People & Culture
The Cruise Lines & Ships
Types of Cruises
Cruise Lines with Baja & Mexican Riviera Itineraries
Setting Priorities
Selecting Your Dream Cruise
Information Sources
Evaluating Ship Itineraries
Other Itineraries
Options in Port
A Practical Guide to Your Cruise
Accommodations on Land
Climate & When to Go
Disabled Travelers
Dress (On & Off Ship)
Driving/Rental Cars
Electrical Appliances & Other Technical Tidbits
Financial Matters
Flight Arrangements
Getting to Your Ship
Passports, Customs & Other Considerations
Payments, Cancellations & Cruise Documents
Safety on Shore
Safety on the Ship
Selecting the Right Stateroom
Sports & Recreation While in Port
Staying in Touch
Time Zones
Traveling with Children
Zo, It’s Your First Time Cruising
Ports of Call
Gateways to the Cruise: Ports of Embarkation
Onboard Sightseeing
Tourism Information
Seeing the Ports
Cabo San Lucas
Catalina Island
Ixtapa & Zihuatanejo
La Paz
Puerto Vallarta
Santa Rosal?a
Mexican Riviera
Cabo San Lucas
Ixtapa & Zihuatanejo
La Paz
Puerto Vallarta

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