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Tropical Cyclones. Climatology and Impacts in the South Pacific/Тропические циклоны. Климатология и воздействие в южной части Тихого океана

Артикул: 00-01024328
в желания В наличии
Автор: James P. Terry
Издательство: Springer (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-0-387-71542-1
Год: 2007
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 210
Вес: 533 г
2420 P
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Издание на английском языке
The aim of this book therefore is to link two central themes – tropical cyclones and the physical environments of islands in the South Pacific. The first half of the book describes the characteristics and behaviour of tropical cyclones in the region, and assesses the outlook for the future in the context of climate change. The second half then illustrates the importance of these storms for island environments, concentrating on geomorphological and hydrological responses. Regional examples and case studies are used to show how coral reefs, coastlines, hillslopes and rivers are all affected, and how sometimes tropical cyclones can even cause the destruction of existing islands or the formation of entirely new ones.

Preface and Acknowledgements
Part I Tropical Cyclones in the South Pacific
Chapter 1 Setting the Scene
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Study Area
1.3 Regional Climatic Influences
Chapter 2 Tropical Cyclogenesis
2.1 Principles and Controls
2.2 Storm Formation and Development
2.3 Storm Decay
Chapter 3 Tropical Cyclone Structure
3.1 Shape and Size
3.2 Cloud Patterns
3.3 Eye of the Storm
3.4 Naming Tropical Cyclones
Chapter 4 Tropical Cyclone Patterns and Behaviour
4.1 Numbers, Timing and Seasonality
4.2 Distribution of Origins and Activity
4.3 Identifying Storm Tracks
4.4 Environmental Steering
4.5 Speed of Advance
4.6 Track Directions
4.7 Storm Longevity
Chapter 5 Meteorological Conditions
5.1 Low Pressure
5.2 Strong Winds
5.3. Storm Surge and Sea Flooding
5.4. Torrential Rainfall
Chapter 6 Future Tropical Cyclone Activity
6.1 Methodologies
6.2 Changes in Frequency
6.3 Changes in Intensity
6.4 Changes in Origins
6.5 Changes in Precipitation
6.6 Outlook
Part II Impacts of Tropical Cyclones
Chapter 7 Coastal Geomorphology
7.1 Coral Reefs
7.2 Coastal Erosion
7.3 Coastal Deposition
7.4 Changes on Coral Islands
Chapter 8 Slope Stability and Mass Movements
8.1 Slope Susceptibility to Failure
8.2 Failure Trigger Mechanisms
8.3 Landslide Geomorphology
Chapter 9 River Hydrology and Floods
9.1 Introduction to Island Rivers
9.2 Tropical Cyclone Floods
Chapter 10 Fluvial Geomorphology
10.1 Channel Adjustments
10.2 River Sediment Transport
10.3 Valley Aggradation

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