с 9:00 до 19:00

The Complete Trailer Sailor: How to Buy, Equip, and Handle Small Cruising Sailboats/Общее руководство для яхтсменов по буксировке: как купить, оборудовать и управлять малыми круизными парусными лодками

Артикул: 00-01023060
в желания В наличии
Автор: Brian Gilbert
Издательство: International Marine/McGraw-Hill (все книги издательства)
Год: 2009
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 273
Вес: 1051 г
1650 P
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Издание на английском языке
A soup-to-nuts introduction to small, economical sailing craft. Trailer sailors - the smallest, most economical sailboats with sleeping accommodations - are a popular platform for learning the basics of sailing and are often considered to be the entry level to cruising under sail. Author Brian Gilbert shows how trailer sailors can be the ideal craft for a lifetime of enjoyment, including serious, long-distance cruising. This book covers all the bases, including how to inspect, buy, and equip a boat; how to trailer, sail, navigate, and cruise in small boats; how to use communications and navigation equipment; and more.

Introduction: Thinking Smaller
Part one Finding your sailboat
1 Thinking about Your Boat
How Big?
What Kind of Sailing Do you Want to Do?
Can You Move It?
Can You Store It?
Can You Afford It?
Do You Have Time for a Boat?
2 Understanding Sailboat Specs
Boat Length
Draft and Keels
D/L Ratio
Sail Area
Rigging 3 Evaluating Trailerable Sailboats
Where to Look
New Boats
Used Boats
Surveying a Used Boat
4 Trailers
Matching Vehicle to Trailer and Boat
Parts of Your Trailer
Trailer Tongue Weight and Controlling Sway
Part two Outfitting and handling your sailboat
5 Equipment
USCG-Required Equipment
Optional Equipment
6 Towing and Rigging Your Boat
Launching Your Boat
Mast-Raising Systems
7 Knots and Lines
Cleating a Line
Coiling and Securing a Line
Other Knots
8 Getting Underway and Sailing
Setting Up the Headsail
Attaching the Headsail Sheets
Leaving the Dock
Sail Trim
Picking Up and Dropping a Mooring
Anchoring Techniques
Best Practices for the Prudent Mariner
Part three More sailing knowledge and skills
9 Rules of the Road
Basic Rules
10 Weather on the Water
Altering Course
Preparing Your Boat and Crew
Shortening Sail (Reefing)
Sailing Downwind in Strong Winds
11 Navigation and Piloting
Navigation Tools
Measuring Time
Plotting a Fix
Danger Bearings
Can We Turn on the GPS Now?
Sailing at Night
12 Emergencies
Medical Emergencies
Crew Overboard
Risks to the Boat
Part four Maintaining and modifying your sailboat
13 Maintaining Your Sailboat
Frequent Washdowns
Preventing Water and Mildew Belowdeck
Gelcoat Maintenance
Teak Maintenance
Dealing with Corrosion Maintaining Your Electrical System
Bottom Issues - Blisters, Barnacles, and Painting
Running Rigging
Outboard Maintenance
Trailer Maintenance
14 Modifying Your Sailboat
Building a Navigation Tool Rack
Installing a Midships Cleat
Installing Cockpit-Led Halyards
Part five Cruising in comfort
15 Personal Comforts On Board
Cooking on a Small Boat
Fresh Water
Personal Gear
What about the Bathroom?
The Trailer Sailboat Gallery
Boats Currently in Production
Used Sailboats
Internet Resources

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