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Shipbroking and Chartering Practice/Практика судоходства и фрахтования

Артикул: 00-01021687
в желания В наличии
Автор: Evi Plomaritou, Anthony Papadopoulos
Издательство: Informa Law from Routledge (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-1-315-68960-9
Год: 2018
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Твердый переплет
Страниц: 771
Вес: 2072 г
3300 P
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Издание на английском языке
Now in its eighth edition, this classic text is a first point of reference for anyone looking to obtain an understanding of chartering and shipbroking practice.
It provides hands-on, commercially-focused explanations of chartering business and invaluable advice on how the shipping market operates across a broad range of topics. The authors also deal expertly with the legal, financial, operational and managerial aspects of chartering, offering numerous case studies which clearly link theory to practice.
This new edition has been fully revised and updated to reflect the current trends in chartering practice, legal developments and standard forms of charterparties.
This book is an essential guide for practitioners in private practice and in-house for shipowners and cargo houses, as well as those studying shipbroking and chartering.

Short Biographies
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Charter market
Chapter 2 Charter rates and state of the freight market
Chapter 3 Chartering information
Chapter 4 Chartering business and ship management
Chapter 5 Chartering policy and marketing strategy
Chapter 6 Sales contract, carriage of goods by sea and bill of lading
Chapter 7 Charter forms
Chapter 8 Chartering routines
Chapter 9 Basic legal knowledge on charterparties
Chapter 10 Common charterparty clauses and concepts
Chapter 11 Voyage charter
Chapter 12 Time charter
Chapter 13 Bareboat charter and contract of affreightment
Chapter 14 Freight calculations
Chapter 15 Laytime calculations
Glossary and abbreviations
Appendix 1 Gencon ’94
Appendix 2 Shellvoy 6
Appendix 3 Laytime Definitions for Charter Parties 2013
Appendix 4 Gentime
Appendix 5 Shelltime 4
Appendix 6 NYPE 2015 (New York Produce Exchange Form)
Appendix 7 FONASBA Time Charter Interpretation Code 2000
Appendix 8 Barecon 2001
Appendix 9 Gencoa
Appendix 10 Standard Charterparties
Appendix 11 Conlinebooking 2016
Appendix 12 Letter of Credit – the function of the Bill of Lading
Appendix 13 Congenbill 2016
Appendix 14 Conlinebill 2016
Appendix 15 Shipman 2009
Appendix 16 Measurements
Internet sources/further research

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