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The London Protocol What it is and How to implement it. Лондонский Протокол, Что это и как осуществить его

Артикул: 00-01020832
в желания В наличии
Автор: IMO
Издательство: IMO (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-92-801-1574-1
Год: 2014
Формат: А4 (210x290 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 85
Вес: 198 г
1650 P
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Издание на английском языке
This publication is a practical guide to implementation of the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Waste and Other Matter, 1972 (the London Protocol) for existing Contracting Parties and prospective member States.
This manual is also useful for Contracting Parties to the 1972 London Convention. The London Protocol and the London Convention are the primary international instruments to protect the world’s oceans from pollution. Their objectives are to protect the marine environment from all sources of marine pollution and, in particular, control and manage the dumping of wastes and other matter at sea. The Protocol updated and modernized the requirements and provisions of the Convention.
States are encouraged to join the updated London Protocol rather than the London Convention.
Significant progress has been made since the London Convention was established in 1972 but dumping of wastes and other matter into the oceans continues to contribute to the degradation of the health of the marine environment in various regions of the world. The aim of this manual is to encourage more States to ratify and implement the London Protocol by providing a clear explanation of how to implement the treaty. The manual is also targeted at existing Parties that are achieving less than full compliance with the requirements and provisions of the Protocol. Although the manual is intended for use by government ministries and agencies, the practical explanation of the requirements, obligations, benefits and costs of implementation of the London Protocol should be useful to a broad range of stakeholders.
The publication provides practical understanding of:
1 what is required by the London Protocol;
2 the steps to ratification or accession;
3 the key elements in implementation of the treaty; and
4 what assistance is available for implementation.
The material provided in the manual is drawn from official and practical advice or guidance that has been developed through the experiences in implementation of the treaties by Parties to the London Convention and London Protocol. A robust technical cooperation and assistance programme is available to provide compliance, technical and scientific advice to assist prospective members in ratification or accession and implementation of the London Protocol.

Abbreviations and acronyms
Part I What is the London Protocol?
Part 2 How should a Contracting Party implement the London Protocol?
Part 3 What resources and assistance are available?
Annex 1 London Convention and London Protocol references
Annex 2 Comparison of the London Protocol with the London Convention
Annex 3 Other international instruments and their relationship to the London Protocol
Annex 4 Terms of reference for the Scientific Groups
Annex 5 Compliance procedures and mechanisms pursuant to LP article 11
Annex 6 Examples of national administrative, legislative and enforcement measures
Annex 7 Guidelines for the assessment of wastes and other matter that may be considered for dumping – generic guidelines
Annex 8 Sample permit for disposal at sea
Annex 9 Reports on dumping permits and monitoring activities carried out in accordance with LC article VI(1)(d) and LP article 9.1.3
Annex 10 An overview of regional arrangements to regulate dumping at sea and the relationship with the London Convention and London Protocol
Annex 11 Article of the London Convention and London Protocol pertaining to technical cooperation and assistance
Box 1 Definition of dumping
Box 2 Wastes or other matter that may be considered for dumping
Box 3 Summary of key requirements
Box 4 United Kingdom’s Marine Licensing Guidance
Box 5 Australia’s sea dumping permit application fees
Box 6 Canada’s disposal at sea permit and application fees
Box 7 Summary of Guidance on the National Implementation of the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention 1972
Box 8 Example of permit system from Canada
Box 9 Example of permit system from China
Box 10 Example of authorized fines and penalties (USA)
Box 11 Example of fines and penalties (Canada)
Box 12 Example of penalties in China
Box 13 List of typical technical cooperation and assistance topics requested from Contracting Parties and prospective Contracting Parties
Box 14 General workshop presentations
Box 15 Features of London Protocol annexes 1 and 2
Box 16 Joint Work Programme of the London Convention and the London Protocol

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