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A master’s guide to: Hatch cover maintenance. Руководство капитана по техническому обслуживанию грузовых крышек люков

  • A master’s guide to: Hatch cover maintenance. Руководство капитана по техническому обслуживанию грузовых крышек люков
Артикул: 00-01020773
в желания В наличии
Автор: Noord Nederlandsche P&I Club
Издательство: Noord Nederlandsche P&I Club (все книги издательства)
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 32
Вес: 61 г
800 P
600 P
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It is generally accepted that leaking hatch covers are a principal cause of cargo wetting. Hatches leak for a variety of reasons, but mainly because of poor maintenance or failure to close them properly. Leaking or badly maintained hatch covers can lead to more serious consequences than wet cargo - flooding, accelerated corrosion or even loss of the ship. These problems are addressed in the guide.
It is the aim of this second NNPC Master’s Guide to explain the key issues of hatch cover security and to steer mariners towards active maintenance. It is less expensive to keep hatch covers weather tight by regular maintenance, than to pay claims for wet damaged cargo. Besides that it is crucial for the safety on board ship.

Voorwoord / Introduction
01 Hatch Covers and their Function
02 Basic Advice
03 Common False Beliefs about Hatch Covers
04 Leakage Problems
05 Leak Detection Tests
06 Monitoring and Inspection
07 Maintenance and Repair
08 Heavy Weather Precautions
09 Safety when Working with Hatch Covers
Appendix 1
Procedures to Open and Close Hatch Covers
Appendix 2
Hatch Cover Condition Assessment Forms

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