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Safe Out, Safe Home: A Safety Guide for New Fishing Crew

  • Safe Out, Safe Home: A Safety Guide for New Fishing Crew
Артикул: 00-01020680
в желания В наличии
Автор: Sunderland Marine and The North of England P&I Association
Издательство: The North of England P&I Association Limited (все книги издательства)
ISBN: 978-0-9935555-9-6
Год: 2016
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 47
Вес: 60 г
1200 P
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Издание на английском языке
Sunderland Marine, one of the world’s leading insurers to the fishing industry, has published a new safety guide aimed primarily at young people joining fishing vessels for the first time. Called Safe Out, Safe Home: A Safety Guide for New Fishing Crew, the new graphic-novel-style guide is designed to give them a quick introduction to the safety training and familiarisation they should receive on board - as well as to prompt skippers to provide this.

Accident report
Alarm, fire
Carbon dioxide (CO2) extinguisher
Confined spaces
Crew mess
Departure checks
Drill, fire
Dry power extinguisher
Electrical fire
Emergency exits
Emergency stop
Enclosed spaces
Environmental policy
Familiarisation training
Fire alarm
Fire, electrical
Fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide (CO2)
Fire extinguisher, dry powder
Fire extinguisher, foam
Fire extinguisher, water
Fire drill
Fire, galley
Fire, liquid
Fire, oil
Fire, solid
Fire, wood
First aid
Fish conveyors
Foam extinguisher
Freezer hold
Galley fire
Garbage disposal
Gas detector
Guards, conveyor
Hatch covers
Heavy box lifting
Hydrogen sulphide gas
Hypothermia, preventing
Immersion suit
Insulated clothing
Life raft
Lifting heavy boxes
Liquid fire
Machine guards
Man overboard
Medical kit
Oil fire
Personal locator beacon
Personal protective equipment
Pre-departure checks
Reflective tape
Refrigerated seawater tanks
Rotten egg smell
Rubbish disposal
Slips, trips and falls
Solid fire
Stores, carrying
Ventilation fans
Water extinguisher
Wood fire

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