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Casualty Investigation Code

Артикул: 00-01020415
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Автор: International Maritime Organization
Издательство: International Maritime Organization (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-92-801-1498-0
Год: 2008
Формат: А5 (148x210 мм)
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 32
Вес: 40 г
550 P
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См. также Кодекс международных стандартов и рекомендуемой практики расследования аварии или инцидента на море (резолюция MSC.255(84) ИМО). Code of the International Standards and Recommended Practices for a Safety Investigation into a Marine Casualty or Marine Incident (IMO resolution MSC.255(84)).
This Code incorporates and builds on the best practices in marine casualty and marine incident investigation that were established by the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents, adopted in November 1997 by the International Maritime Organization (the Organization), by resolution A.849(20). The Code for the Investigationof Marine Casualties and Incidents sought to promote co-operation and a common approach to marine casualty and marine incident investigations between States.

Part I - General provisions
Chapter 1 - Purpose
Chapter 2 - Definitions
Chapter 3 - Application of chapters in Parts II and III
Part II - Mandatory standards
Chapter 4 - Marine safety investigation Authority
Chapter 5 - Notification
Chapter 6 - Requirement to investigate very serious marine casualties
Chapter 7 - Flag State's agreement with another substantially interested State to conduct a marine safety investigation
Chapter 8 - Powers of an investigation
Chapter 9 - Parallel investigations
Chapter 10 - Co-operation
Chapter 11 - Investigation not to be subject to external direction
Chapter 12 - Obtaining evidence from seafarers
Chapter 13 - Draft marine safety investigation reports
Chapter 14 - Marine safety investigation reports
Part III - Recommended practices
Chapter 15 - Administrative responsibilities
Chapter 16 - Principles of investigation
Chapter 17 - Investigation of marine casualties (other than very serious marine casualties) and marine incidents
Chapter 18 - Factors that should be taken into account when seeking agreement under chapter 7 of Part II
Chapter 19 - Acts of unlawful interference
Chapter 20 - Notification to parties involved and commencement of an investigation
Chapter 21 - Coordinating an investigation
Chapter 22 - Collection of evidence
Chapter 23 - Confidentiality of information
Chapter 24 - Protection for witnesses and involved parties
Chapter 25 - Draft and final report
Chapter 26 - Re-opening an investigation
Resolution MSC.255(84) adopted on 16 May 2008

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