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Циркулярное письмо MSC/Cirс.1370. Guidelines for the design, construction and testing of fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems

  • Циркулярное письмо MSC/Cirс.1370. Guidelines for the design, construction and testing of fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems
Артикул: 00-01016528
в желания В наличии
Год: 2010
Формат: А5
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 7
Вес: 11 г
150 P
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Издание на английском языке
These Guidelines apply to fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems required for oil tankers by SOLAS regulation II-2/4.5.7 and chapter 16 of the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code). These Guidelines apply to ships constructed on or after 21 May 2010.

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