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Циркулярное письмо MSC.1/Circ.1269. Аmendments to the revised guidelines for the approval of equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and CARGO PUMP-ROOMS (MSC/CIRC.1165)

Артикул: 00-01016304
в желания В наличии
Год: 2008
Формат: А5
Переплет: Мягкая обложка
Страниц: 4
70 P
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The Committee, at its eightieth session (11 to 20 May 2005), after having considered the proposal by the forty-ninth session of the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection regarding review
on the Guidelines for the approval of equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems as referred to in SOLAS 74 for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms (MSC/Circ.668, as mended by MSC/Circ.728), approved Revised Guidelines for the approval of equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms (MSC/Circ.1165).
2 The Committee, at its eighty-third session (3 to 12 October 2007), after having considered the proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection at its fifty-first session, approved amendments to figures 1, 2 and 3 of the Revised Guidelines for the approval of equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms
(MSC/Circ.1165) by means of circular MSC.1/Circ.1237.
3 The Sub-Committee on Fire Protection, at its fifty-second session (14 to 18 January 2008), prepared further amendments to the Revised Guidelines for the approval of equivalent
water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms (MSC/Circ.1165).
4 The Committee, at its eighty-fourth session (7 to 16 May 2008), after having considered the above proposal, approved the amendments to the Revised Guidelines for the approval of
equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery spaces and cargo pump-rooms (MSC/Circ.1165), set out in the annex.
5 Member Governments are invited to apply the annexed amendments to the Revised Guidelines when approving equivalent water-based fire-extinguishing systems for machinery
spaces and pump-rooms on and after 9 May 2008, and bring them to the attention of ship designers, shipowners, equipment manufacturers, test laboratories and other parties concerned.

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