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Ships' Routeing/Маршрут судов



Артикул: 00-01010577
в желания В наличии
Издательство: International Maritime Organization (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
Вес: 3352 г
Вариант исполнения:
  • Год: 2015
    Количество страниц: 798
    ISBN: 978-92-801-1625-0
    Переплет: Мягкая обложка
  • Год: 2019
    Количество страниц: 835
    ISBN: 978-92-801-0049-5
    Переплет: Твердая обложка
С этим товаром покупают

Издание 2015 года
This edition supersedes all previous editions and includes all routeing measures adopted by IMO up to and including the ninety-fifth session (June 2015) of the Maritime Safety Committee and the twenty-eighth session (December 2013) of IMO Assembly.
SOLAS 1974, as amended, regulation V/10
Part A - General provisions on ships routeing
1 Objectives
2 Definitions
3 Procedures and responsibilities
4 Methods
5 Planning
6 Design criteria
7 Temporary adjustments and suspensions
8 Use of routeing systems
9 Representation on charts
Part В - Traffic separation schemes and inshore traffic zones
Rule 10 of COLREG 1972, as amended
Section I - Baltic Sea and adjacent waters
Off Sommers Island
Off Hogland (Gogland) Island
Off Rodsher Island
Off Kalbadagrund lighthouse
Off Porkkala lighthouse
Off Hankoniemi Peninsula
Off Kopu Peninsula (Hiiumaa Island)
South Hoburgs Bank
In Norra Kvarken
The Aland Sea
West Klintehamn
North Hoburgs Bank
Off Oland Island
In Bornholmsgat
On the approaches to the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdansk
Slupska Bank
Off Falsterborev
In The Sound
North of Rugen
South of Gedser
Off Kiel lighthouse
Between Korsoer and Sprogoe
At Hatter Barn
Section II - Western European waters
West of the Scilly Isles
South of the Scilly Isles
Off Land's End, between Seven Stones and Longships
Off Ushant
Off Casquets
In the Strait of Dover and adjacent waters
At West Hinder
In the SUNK area and in the northern approaches to the Thames estuary
Off Friesland
In the approaches to Hook of Holland and at North Hinder
In the approaches to IJmuiden
Off Texel
Off Vlieland, Vlieland North and Vlieland Junction
Terschelling-German Bight
German Bight western approach
Jade approach
Elbe approach
In the approaches to the River Humber
Off the coast of southern Norway
Off the western coast of Norway
Off the coast of Norway from Vardo to Rost
Off Fastnet Rock
Off Smalls
Off Tuskar Rock
Off Skerries
In Liverpool Bay
In the North Channel
Off Neist Point in The Minches
Off the south-west coast of Iceland - North-west of Gar5skagi Point
Off the south-west coast of Iceland - South-west of the Reykjanes Peninsula
Off Finisterre
Off Cape Roca
Off Cape S. Vicente
At Banco del Hoyo
Section III - Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea
In the Strait of Gibraltar
Off Cabo de Gata
Off Cape Palos
Off Cape La Nao
Off Cani Island
Off Cape Bon
In the Adriatic Sea: in the North Adriatic Sea
In the Adriatic Sea: approaches to Gulf of Trieste
In the Adriatic Sea: approaches to Gulf of Venice
In the Adriatic Sea: in the Gulf of Trieste and approaches to/from Koper
In the Adriatic Sea: approaches to/from Monfalcone
Saronicos Gulf (in the approaches to Piraeus Harbour)
In the approaches to the port of Thessaloniki
Off the Mediterranean coast of Egypt
In the Santa Barbara Channel
In the approaches to Los Angeles - Long Beach
In the approaches to Salina Cruz
Section VIII - South America, Pacific coast
On the Pacific coast of Panama
Landfall and approaches to Talara Bay
Landfall and approaches to Paita Bay
Landfall off Puerto Salaverry
Landfall and approaches to Ferrol Bay (Puerto Chimbote)
Approaches to Puerto Callao
In the approaches to Puerto Pisco
Landfall and approaches to San Nicolas Bay
Landfall and approaches to Puerto llo
In the approaches to Arica
In the approaches to Iquique
In the approaches to Antofagasta
In the approaches to Quintero Bay
In the approaches to Valparaiso
In the approaches to Concepcion Bay
In the approaches to San Vicente Bay
In the approaches to Punta Arenas
Section IX - Western North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea
In the approaches to Chedabucto Bay
In the Bay of Fundy and approaches
In the approaches to Portland, Maine
In the approach to Boston, Massachusetts
In the approaches to Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Off New York
Off Delaware Bay
In the approaches to Chesapeake Bay
In the approaches to the Cape Fear River
In the approaches to Galveston Bay
In the approaches to the port of Veracruz
Off Cabo San Antonio
Off La Tabla
Off Costa de Matanzas
In the Old Bahama Channel
Off Punta Maternillos
Off Punta Lucrecia
Off Cabo Maysi
At the approaches to Puerto Cristobal
Section X - Asia, Pacific coast
In the fourth Kuril Strait
In the Proliv Bussol
Off the Aniwa Cape
In the approaches to the Gulf of Nakhodka
Off the Ostrovnoi Point
In the waters off Chengshan Jiao Promontory
Section XI - Eastern North Atlantic and South Atlantic Oceans
Between Grand Canary and Fuerteventura
Between Grand Canary and Tenerife
Part С - Deep-water routes
Section I - Baltic Sea and adjacent waters
Recommendation on navigation through the entrances to the Baltic Sea
Deep-water route between Hatter Rev and Hatter Barn
Deep-water route off the east coast of Langeland
Deep-water route north-east of Gedser
Deep-water route off Gotland Island
Deep-water route inside the borders of the "North Aland Sea" traffic separation scheme.., Deep-water route inside the borders of the "South Aland Sea" traffic separation scheme
Section II - Western European waters
Deep-water route leading to the port of Antifer
Deep-water route forming part of the north-castbound traffic lane of the traffic separation scheme "In the Strait of Dover and adjacent waters"
Deep-water route in the approaches to the River Scheldt
Deep-water routes forming parts of routeing system "Off Friesland”
Deep-water route leading to Curopoort
Deep-water route leading to IJmuiden
Deep-water route west of the Hebrides
Section III - Indian Ocean and adjacent waters, South-East Asia and Australasia
Deep-water route in the approaches to King Abdullah Port (КАР) in the northern Red Sea
Deep-water route leading to Jazan Economic City Port
Deep-water routes within the traffic separation schemes in the Strait of Malacca
Deep-water routes forming part of the eastbound traffic lane of traffic separation schemes in the Singapore Strait
Section IV - Western North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea
Deep-water route in the southern approach to Chesapeake Bay
Part D - Areas to be avoided
Section I - North-western European waters
Around the C.S4 buoy in the Dover Strait
Around the Foxtrot 3 station within the traffic separation scheme
"In the Strait of Dover and adjacent waters"
At West Hinder
At Maas North traffic separation scheme
At De Ruyter, west of Rijnveld
By Ijmuiden northern approaches
In the outer precautionary area of the traffic separation scheme "In the SUNK area and in the northern approaches to the Thames estuary"
Off Friesland
In the region of the Orkney Islands
In the region of The Fair Isle
In the region of the Shetland Islands
Between The Smalls lighthouse and Grassholme Island
In Liverpool Bay
Off the south-west coast of Iceland - Eastern and Western areas
Off the south-west coast of Iceland - Faxafloi Bay
In the region of the Rochebonne Shelf
In the region of the Berlengas Islands
Section II - North and Central American waters
In Roseway Basin, south of Nova Scotia
In the vicinity of the Neptune deepwater port in the western North Atlantic Ocean
In the vicinity of the Excelerate Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge deepwater port in the Atlantic Ocean
In the Great South Channel, off the east coast of the United States
In the region of Nantucket Shoals
In the region of the Bermuda Islands
Off the Florida coast
At Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) in the Gulf of Mexico
At FI Paso Fnergy Bridge deepwater port in the Gulf of Mexico [revoked]
In the approaches to the port of Veracruz
At the port of Cayo Areas
In the Gulf of Campeche
At the Rebombeo oilfield
At the May oilfield
In the loading buoy area in the port of Dos Bocas, Tabasco
In the access routes to the ports of Matanzas and Cardenas
By ships of 300 gross tonnage or over as associated protective measure (АРМ) for Saba Bank PSSA
In the Papalwnaumokuakea Marine National Monument PSSA
In the region of the Aleutian Island Archipelago
Off the Washington coast
Off the California coast
In the approaches to Salina Cruz
Section III - Other areas to be avoided
In the southern Baltic Sea south of the island of Gotland: Hoburgs Bank
In the southern Baltic Sea south of the island of Gotland: Norra Midsjobanken
In the North Adriatic Sea
In the approaches to the Gulf of Venice
In the region of the Vorioi Sporadhes Islands
North of the Straits of Tiran
North of Sharm el Sheikh harbour
At the southern extremity of the Sinai Peninsula
In the region of Fasht Buldani
In the region of Mahe Island in the Seychelles
In the region of the Aldabra Islands in the Seychelles
Recommendatory area to be avoided off the Ningaloo Coast, Western Australia
In the south-west Coral Sea
In the region of the Great Barrier Reef Irevokedl
In the region of Three Kings Islands
Off the north-east coast of the North Island of New Zealand
In the Bass Strait
Malpclo Island
In the Galapagos Archipelago
In the Paracas National Reserve
In the region of Cape Terpeniya (Sakhalin)
Off Lanzarote Island
Off the island of Grand Canary
Off the island of Tenerife
Off La Palma Island
Off the island of El Hierro
Off the coast of Ghana in the Atlantic Ocean
In waters off the Brazilian south-east coast
Around oil rigs off the Brazilian coast - Campos Basin
Part E - Other routeing measures
Recommended tracks and traffic separation line between the traffic separation schemes
"Off Rodsher Island" and "Off Gogland Island"
Recommended directions of traffic flow in the precautionary area of the separation scheme "Off Porkkala lighthouse"
Two-way routes In Norra Kvarken
Recommended two-way route leading to the Aland Sea
Two-way route "Salvorev", north of Gotland Island
Recommended tracks on the approaches to the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdansk
Recommended directions of traffic flow within the precautionary area around the Foxtrot 3 station in the Dover Strait
Two-way route and recommended route in the SUNK area and in the northern approaches to the Thames estuary
Precautionary area in the vicinity of Thornton and Bligh Banks
Precautionary areas in the approaches to Hook of Holland and at North Hinder
Precautionary area and recommended direction of traffic flow west of Rijn veld
Precautionary areas in the approaches to IJmuiden
Recommendations on navigation around the United Kingdom coast
Recommended directions of traffic flow in the German Bight
Recommended routes in the Hair Isle Channel
Recommended routes joining the traffic separation schemes off the coast of southern Norway
Recommended routes joining the traffic separation schemes off the western coast of Norway
Recommended routes joining traffic separation schemes off the coast of Norway from Varda to Rost
Recommended routes in The Minches
Two-way routes off the south-west coast of Iceland
Recommended directions of traffic flow in the precautionary area off Tanger-Med in the Strait of Gibraltar
Routeing measures in the Strait of Bonifacio
Recommended directions of traffic flow in the Channel of Otranto, southern and central Adriatic Sea
Recommended routes off the Mediterranean coast of Egypt
Recommended directions of traffic flow off Ras Shukheir
Precautionary area in the approaches to King Abdullah Port (КАР) in the northern Red Sea
In the southern Red Sea - Recommended tracks between Jabal Zuqar and the precautionary area and between Hanish al Kubra and the precautionary area
In the southern Red Sea - Precautionary area north of the traffic separation scheme
"In the Strait of Bab el Mandeb"
Recommendatory measures for vessels crossing the traffic separation scheme (TSS) and precautionary areas in the Singapore Strait during hours of darkness
Two-way route in the Great North-East Channel, Torres Strait
Two-way routes and precautionary area at jomard Entrance
Two-way routes in the south-west Coral Sea
Two-way route in the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait
Precautionary area off the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand
Recommended two-way route in the Strait of Juan de Fuca
Recommended tracks off the California coast for ships of 300 gross tonnage and above and for ships carrying hazardous cargo in bulk
Recommended tracks through the Galapagos ATBA to enter the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
Precautionary area in the region of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland
Two-way route off Delaware Bay
Recommended two-way routes and precautionary areas to the north-west of the port of Isla del Carmen, Campeche
Recommended two-way routes to the north-east of the port of Dos Bocas, Tabasco .. . Recommended two-way routes and precautionary areas off the port of Cayo Areas, FSO Takuntah and FPSO Yuum Kak Niab
Precautionary area in the approaches to the port of Veracruz
Precautionary area "At the approaches to Puerto Cristobal
Part F - Associated rules and recommendations on navigation
Recommendations on navigation through the Gulf of Finland Traffic area
Recommendations on navigation to the Polish ports through the Gulf of Gdansk Traffic area
Recommendations on navigation through the English Channel and the Dover Strait
Recommendation on navigation through the Strait of Bonifacio
Rules and recommendations on navigation through the Strait of Istanbul, the Strait of anakkale and the Marmara Sea
Rules for ships navigating in the Gulf of Suez
Rules for navigation of laden tankers off the South African coast
Rules for vessels navigating through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Recommendations on navigation in the traffic separation scheme
"On the Pacific coast of Panama" (Part 1 "Gulf of Panama")
Navigation in the vicinity of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland
Part G - Mandatory ship reporting systems, mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring areas
SOLAS 1974, as amended, regulation V/ll
Section I - Mandatory ship reporting systems
In the Gulf of Finland [GOFREP]
On the approaches to the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdansk [GDANREP]
In The Sound between Denmark and Sweden [SOUNDREP]
In the Storebaelt (Great Belt) Traffic area [BELTREP]
West European Tanker Reporting System [WETREP]
Off Ushant [OUESSREP]
Off Les Casqucts and the adjacent coastal area [MANCHEREP]
In the Dover Strait/Pas de Calais [CALDOVREP]
In the Barents area [BARENTS SRS]
Off the south-west coast of Iceland [TRANSREP]
In the "Off Finisterre" traffic separation scheme area [FINREP]
Off the coast of Portugal [COPREP]
In the Strait of Gibraltar [GIBREP]
In the Strait of Bonifacio [BONIFREP]
In the Adriatic Sea [ADRIREP]
In the Straits of Malacca and Singapore [STRAITREP]
In the Torres Strait region and the Inner Route of the Great Barrier Reef [REEFREP]
In the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument Particularly Sensitive
In the Galapagos Particularly Sensitive Sea Area [GALREP]
Mandatory ship reporting systems in Greenland waters [GREENPOS & COASTAL CONTROL]
Mandatory ship reporting systems for protection of endangered North Atlantic Right Whales in sea areas off the north-eastern and south-eastern coasts of the United States
Off Chengshan Jiao Promontory
The Canary Islands [CANREP]
Section II - Mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring areas
Mandatory route for tankers from North Hinder to the German Bight and vice versa
Mandatory no anchoring area in the approaches to the Gulf of Venice
Mandatory no anchoring areas in the vicinity of the Neptune deepwater port in the western North Atlantic Ocean
Mandatory no anchoring areas in the vicinity of the Excelerate Northeast
Gateway Energy Bridge deepwater port in the Atlantic Ocean
Mandatory no anchoring areas in the Toctugas Ecological Reserve and Tortugas Bank
Mandatory no anchoring area at El Paso Energy Bridge deepwater port in the Gulf of Mexico [revoked]
Mandatory no anchoring areas for all ships on Flower Garden Banks coral reefs
Mandatory no anchoring area for all ships as associated protective measure (АРМ) for Saba Bank PSSA
Mandatory no anchoring areas on Sharks Bank and Long Shoal
Part H - Adoption, designation and substitution of archipelagic sea lanes
General provisions for the adoption, designation and substitution of archipelagic sea lanes
Section I - Adopted archipelagic sea lanes
Partial system of archipelagic sea lanes in Indonesian archipelagic waters

Издание 2019 года
The safety of marine transportation and cleanliness of the oceans are nowadays promoted in numerous ways. One of such ways is the ongoing development of various effective routeing measures implemented to control the navigation of ships and monitoring of the progress.
The routeing measures defines or described in part A and Part H of the present volume have been individually deal with in part B dedicated to the schemes of traffic separation and inshore zones), part C addressing the deep water navigation routes, part D defining the areas to avoid, part E providing other measure, for example two-way routeing, recommended directions and tracks, part F containing the applicable rules and recommendations relevant to the particular areas of navigation and straits, part G dealing with the mandatory ship reporting and routeing systems together with "no-anchoring" areas, and, finally, part H depicting the archipelagic lanes.
The edition offered is incorporating all measures of routeing adopted before July-2019. Note, however, that the chartlets that have been included in the volume shall not be used for navigation purposes. The latest release of this official IMO publication.
SOLAS 1974, as amended, regulation V/10
Part A - General provisions on ships' routeing
1 Objectives
2 Definitions
3 Procedures and responsibilities
4 Methods.
5 Planning
6 Design criteria
7 Temporary adjustments and suspensions
8 Use of routeing systems
9 Representation on charts
Part В - Traffic separation schemes and inshore traffic zones
Rule 10 of COLREG 1972, as amended
Section I - Baltic Sea and adjacent waters
Off Sommers Island
Off Hogland (Gogland) Island
Off Rodsher Island
Off Kalbadagrund lighthouse
Off Porkkala lighthouse
Off Hankoniemi Peninsula
Off Kopu Peninsula (Hiiumaa Island)
South Hoburgs Bank
In Norra Kvarken
The Aland Sea
West Klintehamn
North Hoburgs Bank
Off Oland Island
In Bornholmsgat
On the approaches to the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdansk
Slupska Bank
Off Falsterborev
In The Sound
North of Rugen
South of Gedser
Off Kiel lighthouse
Between Korsoer and Sprogoe
At Hatter Barn
In the vicinity of Kattegat
Section II - Western European waters
West of the Scilly Isles
South of the Scilly Isles
Off Land's End, between Seven Stones and Longships
Off Ushant
Off Casquets
In the Strait of Dover and adjacent waters
At West Hinder
In the SUNK area and in the northern approaches to the Thames estuary
Off Friesland
In the approaches to Hook of Holland and at North Hinder
In the approaches to IJmuiden
Off Vlieland, Vlieland North and Vlieland Junction
Terschelling-German Bight
German Bight western approach
Jade approach
Elbe approach
In the approaches to the River Humber
Off the coast of southern Norway
Off the western coast of Norway
Off the coast of Norway from Vardo to Rost
Off Fastnet Rock
Off Smalls
Off Tuskar Rock
Off Skerries
In Liverpool Bay
In the North Channel
Off Neist Point in The Minches
Off the south-west coast of Iceland - North-west of Garbskagi Point
Off the south-west coast of Iceland - South-west of the Reykjanes Peninsula
Off Finisterre
Off Cape Roca
Off Cape S. Vicente
At Banco del Hoyo
Section III - Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea
In the Strait of Gibraltar
Off Cabo de Gata
Off Cape Palos
Off Cape La Nao
In the Corsica Channel
Off Cani Island
Off Cape Bon
In the Adriatic Sea: in the North Adriatic Sea
In the Adriatic Sea: approaches to Gulf of Trieste
In the Adriatic Sea: approaches to Gulf of Venice
In the Adriatic Sea: in the Gulf of Trieste and approaches to/from Koper
In the Adriatic Sea: approaches to/from Monfalcone
Saronicos Gulf (in the approaches to Piraeus Harbour)
In the approaches to the port of Thessaloniki
Off the Mediterranean coast of Egypt
In the southern approaches to the Kerch Strait
In the area off the south-western coast of the Crimea
Between the ports of Odessa and llichevsk
In the approaches to the ports of Odessa and llichevsk
Strait of Istanbul - North approach
Strait of Istanbul
Strait of Istanbul - South approach and Sea of Marmara
Strait of Сanakkale
Strait of Сanakkale - South-west approach
Section IV - Indian Ocean and adjacent waters
In the Gulf of Suez
In the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba
Near the deep-water route leading to Jazan Economic City Port
In the southern Red Sea - west and south of Hanish al Kubra
In the southern Red Sea - east of Jabal Zuqar Island
In the Strait of Bab el Mandeb
Off Ras al Hadd
Off Ra's al Kuh
In the Strait of Hormuz
Between Zaqqum and Umm Shaif
In the approaches to Ras Tanura and Ju'aymah
Approaches to the port of Ra's al Khafji
Off Mina Al-Ahmadi
Off Dondra Head
Off Alphard Banks 34 miles south of Cape Infanta
Off the FA platform 47 miles south of Mossel Bay
Section V - South-East Asia
Summary chartlets for Straits of Malacca and Singapore
At One Fathom Bank
Port Klang to Port Dickson
Port Dickson to Tanjung Keling
Malacca to lyu Kecil
In the Singapore Strait (Main Strait)
Singapore Strait (Off St. John's Island)
Singapore Strait (Off Changi/Pulau Batam)
At Horsburgh lighthouse area
In the Sunda Strait
In the Lombok Strait
In the East Lamma Channel
In the Tathong Channel
In the Dangan Channel
Section VI - Australasia
Off Southwest Australia
South of Wilson Promontory in the Bass Strait
In the Bass Strait
Section VII - North America, Pacific coast
In Prince William Sound
In the Strait of Juan de Fuca and its approaches
In Puget Sound and its approaches
In Haro Strait and Boundary Pass, and in the Strait of Georgia
Off San Francisco
In the Santa Barbara Channel
In the approaches to Los Angeles - Long Beach
In the approaches to Salina Cruz
Section VIII - South America, Pacific coast
On the Pacific coast of Panama
Landfall and approaches to Talara Bay
Landfall and approaches to Paita Bay
Landfall off Puerto Salaverry
Landfall and approaches to Ferrol Bay (Puerto Chimbote)
Approaches to Puerto Callao
In the approaches to Puerto Pisco
Landfall and approaches to San Nicolas Bay
Landfall and approaches to Puerto Ho
In the approaches to Arica
In the approaches to Iquique
In the approaches to Antofagasta
In the approaches to Quintero Bay
In the approaches to Valparaiso
In the approaches to Concepcion Bay
In the approaches to San Vicente Bay
In the approaches to Punta Arenas
Section IX - Western North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea
In the approaches to Chedabucto Bay
In the Bay of Fundy and approaches
In the approaches to Portland, Maine
In the approach to Boston, Massachusetts
In the approaches to Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, and Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
Off New York
Off Delaware Bay
In the approaches to Chesapeake Bay
In the approaches to the Cape Fear River
In the approaches to Galveston Bay
In the approaches to the port of Veracruz
Off Cabo San Antonio
Off La Tabla
Off Costa de Matanzas
In the Old Bahama Channel
Off Punta Maternillos
Off Punta Lucrecia
Off Cabo Maysi
At the approaches to Puerto Cristobal
Section X - Asia, Pacific coast
In the fourth Kuril Strait
In the Proliv Bussol
Off the Aniwa Cape
In the approaches to the Gulf of Nakhodka
Off the Ostrovnoi Point
In the waters off Chengshan Jiao Promontory
Section XI - Eastern North Atlantic and South Atlantic Oceans
Between Grand Canary and Fuerteventura
Between Grand Canary and Tenerife
Part C - Deep-water routes
Section S - Baltic Sea and adjacent waters Recommendation on navigation through the entrances to the Baltic Sea
In the vicinity of Kattegat
Deep-water route between Hatter Rev and Hatter Barn
Deep-water route off the east coast of Langeland
Deep-water route north-east of Gedser
Deep-water route off Gotland Island
Deep-water route inside the borders of the "North Aland Sea" traffic separation scheme
Deep-water route inside the borders of the "South Aland Sea" traffic separation scheme
Section II - Western European waters
Deep-water route leading to the port of Antifer
Deep-water route forming part of the north-eastbound traffic lane of the traffic separation scheme
"In the Strait of Dover and adjacent waters"
Deep-water route in the approaches to the River Scheldt
Deep-water routes forming parts of routeing system "Off Friesland"
Deep-water route leading to Europoort
Deep-water route leading to IJmuiden
Deep-water route west of the Hebrides
Section III - Indian Ocean and adjacent waters, South-East Asia and Australasia
Deep-water route in the approaches to King Abdullah Port (КАР) in the northern Red Sea
Deep-water route leading to Jazan Economic City Port
Deep-water routes within the traffic separation schemes in the Strait of Malacca
Deep-water routes forming part of the eastbound traffic lane of traffic separation schemes in the Singapore Strait
Section IV - Western North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea
Deep-water route in the southern approach to Chesapeake Bay
Part D - Areas to be avoided
Section I - North-western European waters
Around the CS4 buoy in the Dover Strait
Around the Foxtrot 3 station within the traffic separation scheme
"In the Strait of Dover and adjacent waters"
At West Hinder
Windfarm Borssele Pass
At Maas North traffic separation scheme
At De Ruyter, west of Rijnveld
By IJmuiden northern approaches
In the outer precautionary area of the traffic separation scheme "In the SUNK area and in the northern approaches to the Thames estuary"
Off Friesland
In the region of the Orkney Islands
In the region of The Fair Isle
In the region of the Shetland Islands
Between The Smalls lighthouse and Grassholme Island
In Liverpool Bay
Off the south-west coast of Iceland - Eastern and Western areas
Off the south-west coast of Iceland - Faxafloi Bay
In the region of the Rochebonne Shelf
In the region of the Berlengas Islands
Section 0 - North and Centrad American waters
In Roseway Basin, south of Nova Scotia
In the vicinity of the Neptune deepwater port in the western North Atlantic Ocean
In the vicinity of the Excelerate Northeast Gateway Energy Bridge deepwater port in the Atlantic Ocean
Recommendatory seasonal area "In the Great South Channel", off the east coast of the United States
In the region of Nantucket Shoals
In the region of the Bermuda Islands
Off the Florida coast
At Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) in the Gulf of Mexico
In the approaches to the port of Veracruz
At the port of Cayo Areas
In the Gulf of Campeche
At the Rebombeo oilfield
At the May oilfield
In the loading buoy area in the port of Dos Bocas, Tabasco
In the access routes to the ports of Matanzas and Cardenas
By ships of 300 gross tonnage or over as Associated Protective Measure (АРМ)
for Saba Bank PSSA
In the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument PSSA
In the Bering Sea and Bering Strait
In the region of the Aleutian Island Archipelago
Off the Washington coast
Off the California coast
In the approaches to Salina Cruz
Section III - Other areas to be avoided
In the southern Baltic Sea south of the island of Gotland: Hoburgs Bank
In the southern Baltic Sea south of the island of Gotland: Norra Midsjobanken
In the North Adriatic Sea
In the approaches to the Gulf of Venice
In the region of the Vorioi Sporadhes Islands
North of the Straits of Tiran
North of Sharm el Sheikh harbour
At the southern extremity of the Sinai Peninsula
In the region of Fasht Buldani
In the region of Mahe Island in the Seychelles
In the region of the Aldabra Islands in the Seychelles
Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park PSSA
Recommendatory area to be avoided off the Ningaloo Coast, Western Australia
In the south-west Coral Sea
In the region of Three Kings Islands
Off the north-east coast of the North Island of New Zealand
In the Bass Strait
Off Peninsula de Osa in the Pacific coast off Costa Rica
Malpelo Island
In the Galapagos Archipelago
In the Paracas National Reserve
In the region of Cape Terpeniya (Sakhalin)
Off Lanzarote Island
Off the island of Grand Canary
Off the island of Tenerife
Off La Palma Island
Off the island of El Hierro
Off the coast of Ghana in the Atlantic Ocean
In waters off the Brazilian south-east coast
Around oil rigs off the Brazilian coast - Campos Basin
Part E - Other routeing measures
Recommended tracks and traffic separation line between the traffic separation schemes "Off Rodsher Island" and "Off Gogland Island"
Recommended directions of traffic flow in the precautionary area of the separation scheme "Off Porkkala lighthouse"
Two-way routes "In Norra Kvarken"
Recommended two-way route leading to the Aland Sea
Salvorev two-way route, north of Gotland Island
Recommended tracks on the approaches to the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdansk
Recommended routes and precautionary area in the vicinity of Kattegat
Recommended directions of traffic flow within the precautionary area around the Foxtrot 3 station in the Dover Strait
Two-way route and recommended route in the SUNK area and in the northern approaches to the Thames estuary
Two-way routes and precautionary areas "Approaches to the Schelde estuary"
Precautionary area "Windfarm Borssele"
Precautionary areas in the approaches to Hook of Holland and at North Hinder
Precautionary area and recommended direction of traffic flow in the area west of Rijnveld
Precautionary areas in the approaches to IJmuiden
Recommendations on navigation around the United Kingdom coast
Recommended directions of traffic flow in the German Bight
Recommended routes in the Fair Isle Channel
Recommended routes joining the traffic separation schemes off the coast of southern Norway
Recommended routes joining the traffic separation schemes off the western coast of Norway
Recommended routes joining traffic separation schemes off the coast of Norway from Vardo to Rost
Recommended routes in The Minches
Two-way routes off the south-west coast of Iceland
Recommended directions of traffic flow in the precautionary area off Tanger-Med in the Strait of Gibraltar
Routeing measures in the Strait of Bonifacio
Recommended directions of traffic flow in the Channel of Otranto, southern and central Adriatic Sea
Recommended routes off the Mediterranean coast of Egypt
Recommended directions of traffic flow off Ras Shukheir
Precautionary area in the approaches to King Abdullah Port (КАР) in the northern Red Sea
In the southern Red Sea - Recommended tracks between Jabal Zuqar and the precautionary area and between Hanish al Kubra and the precautionary area
In the southern Red Sea - Precautionary area north of the traffic separation scheme "In the Strait of Bab el Mandeb"
Recommendatory measures for vessels crossing the traffic separation scheme (TSS) and precautionary areas in the Singapore Strait during hours of darkness
Precautionary area with recommended directions of traffic flow in the Sunda Strait
Precautionary areas with recommended directions of traffic flow in the Lombok Strait
Recommended directions of traffic flow within the precautionary area "Dangan Channel No. 2"
Two-way route in the Great North-East Channel, Torres Strait
Two-way routes and precautionary area at Jomard Entrance
Two-way routes in the south-west Coral Sea
Two-way route in the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait
Precautionary area off the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand
Two-way routes and precautionary areas in the Bering Sea and Bering Strait
Recommended two-way route in the Strait of Juan de Fuca
Recommended tracks off the California coast for ships of 300 gross tonnage and above and for ships carrying hazardous cargo in bulk
Recommended tracks through the Galapagos ATBA to enter the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
Precautionary area in the region of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland
Two-way route off Delaware Bay
Recommended two-way routes and precautionary areas to the north-west of the port of Isla del Carmen, Campeche
Recommended two-way routes to the north-east of the port of Dos Bocas, Tabasco
Recommended two-way routes and precautionary areas off the port of Cayo Areas,
FSO Ta'kuntah and FPSO Yiium K'ak' Naab
Precautionary area in the approaches to the port of Veracruz
Precautionary area "At the approaches to Puerto Cristobal"
Recommended route off the western coast of Izu О Shima Island
Part F - Associated rules and recommendations on navigation
Recommendations on navigation through the Gulf of Finland Traffic area
Recommendations on navigation to the Polish ports through the Gulf of Gdansk Traffic area
Recommendations on navigation through the English Channel and the Dover Strait
Recommendation on navigation through the Strait of Bonifacio
Rules and recommendations on navigation through the Strait of Istanbul, the Strait of (Janakkale and the Marmara Sea
Rules for ships navigating in the Gulf of Suez
Rules for navigation of laden tankers off the South African coast
Rules for vessels navigating through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore
Recommendations on navigation in the traffic separation scheme "on the Pacific coast of Panama" (Part 1 "Gulf of Panama")
Navigation in the vicinity of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland
Part G - Mandatory ship reporting systems, mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring areas
SOLAS 1974, as amended, regulation V/11
Section S - Mandatory ship reporting systems
In the Gulf of Finland [GOFREP]
On the approaches to the Polish ports in the Gulf of Gdansk [GDANREP]
In The Sound between Denmark and Sweden [SOUNDREP]
In the Storebaelt (Great Belt) Traffic area [BELTREP]
The West European Tanker Reporting System [WETREP]
Off Ushant [OUESSREP]
Off Les Casquets and the adjacent coastal area [MANCHEREP]
In the Dover Strait/Pas de Calais [CALDOVREP]
In the Barents area [BARENTS SRS]
Off the south-west coast of Iceland [TRANSREP]
In the "Off Finisterre" traffic separation scheme area [FINREP]
Off the coast of Portugal [COPREP]
In the Strait of Gibraltar [GIBREP]
In the Strait of Bonifacio [BONIFREP]
In the Adriatic Sea [ADRIREP]
In the Straits of Malacca and Singapore [STRAITREP]
In the Torres Strait region and the Inner Route of the Great Barrier Reef [REEFREP]
In the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument Particularly Sensitive Sea Area [CORAL SHIPREP]
In the Galapagos Particularly Sensitive Sea Area [GALREP]
Mandatory ship reporting systems in Greenland waters [GREENPOS & COASTAL CONTROL]
Mandatory ship reporting systems for protection of endangered North Atlantic Right Whales in sea areas off the north-eastern and south-eastern coasts of the United States
Off Chengshan Jiao Promontory
The Canary Islands [CANREP]
Section II - Mandatory routeing systems and mandatory no anchoring areas
Mandatory route for tankers from North Hinder to the German Bight and vice versa
Mandatory no anchoring area in the approaches to the Gulf of Venice
Mandatory no anchoring areas in the vicinity of the Neptune deepwater port in the western North Atlantic Ocean
Mandatory no anchoring areas in the vicinity of the Excelerate Northeast
Gateway Energy Bridge deepwater port in the Atlantic Ocean
Mandatory no anchoring areas in the Tortugas Ecological Reserve and Tortugas Bank
Mandatory no anchoring areas for all ships on Flower Garden Banks coral reefs
Mandatory no anchoring area for all ships as Associated Protective Measure (АРМ) for Saba Bank PSSA
Mandatory no anchoring areas on Sharks Bank and Long Shoal
Part H - Adoption, designation and substitution of archipelagic sea lanes
General provisions for the adoption, designation and substitution of archipelagic sea lanes
Section I - Adopted archipelagic sea lanes
Partial system of archipelagic sea lanes in Indonesian archipelagic waters

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