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Admiralty Maritime Data Solutions. Catalogue. NP 131. 2022 Edition

Артикул: 00-01008375
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Издательство: United Kingdom Hydrografic Office (все книги издательства)
Место издания: London
ISBN: 978-0-70-772-0166
Год: 2022
Переплет: Мягкая обложка на пружине
Страниц: 178
Вес: 2200 г
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The global shipping industry is changing, quickly. The need to improve sustainability, coupled with the increasing power of digital technologies, presents both unprecedented challenges and unparalleled opportunities for our sector.
The ADMIRALTY Maritime Data Solutions portfolio provides a market leading range of maritime navigational charts, publications and data services.
This portfolio includes a series of over 3.500 paper nautical charts, 200 publications, and more than 18/000 ENCs. Today, ADMIRALTY Maritime Data Solutions can be found on over 90% of ships trading internationally.

Limits of ADMIRALTY Chart Indexes
Authorised ADMIRALTY Distributors
ADMIRALTY Technical Solution Providers
2 Digital Services
ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service
ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service Online
ADMIRALTY Raster Chart Service; ADMIRALTY ECDIS Service
ADMIRALTY Digital Publications
3 Charts
ADMIRALTY Print On Demand, ADMIRALTY Business to Business (B2B) Service
ADMIRALTY Standard Nautical Charts
A The World - General Charts of the Oceans
A1 The World - Index of Charts at 1:3,500,000 or comparable scale
A2 North East Atlantic Ocean; European Waters; Mediterranean Sea - Small Scale Charts
B South West England; Brittany
B1 South West England; North West & South Ireland
B2 English Channel (East); North Sea (South)
B3 Irish Sea; East England
C Scotland & adjacent Islands; Iceland
C1 Scotland - Firth of Clyde to Skye; Orkney & Shetland
D North Sea; Skagerrak
D1 Kattegat; Baltic Entrances
D2 Baltic Sea; Gulf of Finland; Gulf of Bothnia
D3 Norway; North West Russia; Foroyar
E Bay of Biscay; Iberian Peninsula; Morocco; Islas Canarias; Madeira; Arquipelago dos Azores
E1 Western Mediterranean Sea
E2 Central Mediterranean Sea; Adriatic Sea
F Eastern Mediterranean Sea; Black Sea
F1 Greece; Turkey
F2 Southern Aegean Sea
G West Africa; Cabo Verde Islands
G1 Africa - (Ghana to Mozambique); Tristan da Cunha Group
H Africa - (Mozambique to Somalia); Indian Ocean (Southern)
H1 Arabian Sea
H2 Red Sea
H3 Gulf of Oman to Shatt al `Arab
I Bay of Bengal
I1 Sumatera; Malacca Strait; Cocos (Keeling) Is to Christmas Is
I2 Singapore & Approaches; Gulf of Thailand
J Borneo to Ceram; Jawa to Timor
J1 Borneo; Jawa
J2 Sulawesi & Timor to Papua
J3 South China Sea & Philippines
J4 Zhu Jiang; Hong Kong; Philippines (Central Part); North Borneo
К South East China
K1 North East China; West Korea; Nansei Shoto; Nanpo Shoto
L Russia (Pacific Coast); Eastern Korea & Tokyo Wan
L1 South West Japan; Sea of Okhotsk
M Australia
M1 East Australia
M2 North West Australia; Torres Strait; Sydney; Bass Strait and Tasmania; Adelaide; Fremantle
N New Zealand
N1 Nouvelle-Caledonie; Vanuatu (New Hebrides); Santa Cruz Is
O Western Pacific Is; Papua New Guinea; Papua
O1 Papua New Guinea; Papua & adjacent Is
O2 Solomon Is; Louisiade Archipelago; Bismarck Archipelago
P Central Pacific Islands
P1 Is de la Societe; Is Marquises; Fiji Is; Hawaiian Is; Samoa Is; Tonga Is
Q Bering Sea; Notrh Pacific Ocean
Q1 British Columbia & Washington – Queen Charlotte Sound to Grays Harbor
R United States of America (West); Mexico
S Gulf of Panama to Bahia San Pedro; Chile; Arquipelago de Colon
S1 Southern Coasts of South America
S2 South America – Punta Atlas to Arquipelago dos Abrolhos
S3 Cabo de Sao Tome (Brazil) to Rio Orinoco (Venezuela)
T West Indies & Central America; Bermuda Is
T1 West Indies & Caribbean Sea; Windward & Leeward Islands; Venezuela
T2 West Indies – Bahamas to Dominican Republic; Cuba; Jamaica
T3 Honduras; Nicaragua; Costa Rica; Panama; Colombia
U East Coast of North America – Chesapeake Bay to Hamilton Inlet
U1 United States of America - Chesapeake Bay to Cape Cod Bay; New York Harbor
V Arctic Regions
W Antarctica; Falkland Islands; Islands in the Southern Ocean
X ADMIRALTY Chart Folios
4A Planning Charts
Planning Charts
Gnomic Charts
Plotting Sheets
World Planning Charts
Routeing Charts
Mariners` Routeing Guides
Maritime Security Charts
Port Approach Guides
4B Reference and Potting Charts
World Reference Charts; Gnomonic Charts; Magnetic Variation Charts; Instructional Charts; Ocean Plotting Sheets with Compass Roses, Meridians of Longitude and a Central Parallel of Latitude; UK Practice and Exercise Charts; Territorial Sea Baseline Charts;
5 Publications
Reference Publications
ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions (Pilots)
ADMIRALTY List of Lights and Fog Signals
ADMIRALTY Tidal Publications
ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals
ADMIRALTY Astronomical Publications; Her Majesty`s Nautical Almanac Office
6 Maritime Safety Information
ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners
ADMIRALTY Small Craft Charts & H-Note App
Identifying Counterfeits
7 Advertisers
Index of Advertisers by Location
8 Numerical Index
ADMIRALTY Standard Nautical Charts
UKHO Reproductions of Australian Charts
UKHO Reproductions of German Charts
UKHO Reproductions of Indian Charts
UKHO Reproductions of Italian Charts
UKHO Reproductions of Japanese Charts
UKHO Reproductions of New Zealand Charts
UKHO Reproductions of Panamanian Charts
UKHO Reproductions of Papua New Guinea
UKHO Reproductions of Solomon Islands
ADMIRALTY Planning Charts
International Charts
ADMIRALTY Publications

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